Chapter Seventeen

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Later in the afternoon Emily awoke from a nap, curled into Loki's side. She looked up at him to see he was still sleeping, then noticed she smelled something cooking on the stove. After carefully removing herself from his embrace, Emily walked into the kitchen to see Mary stirring a large pot. "What're you fixing? It kind of smells like chili."

"It is chili, I just tweak the recipe a little." Mary explained. "Did you enjoy your nap?" She asked teasingly.

Emily narrowed her eyes playfully. "Loki makes a comfortable pillow," she grumbled. "But chili sounds fantastic with the weather we've been having. Don't make it really spicy though, or he won't eat it."

"Based on how you were snoring, I can tell." Mary chuckled. "He doesn't like spicy things? I doubt he will like chili much then, even mild chili..."

"I hope he likes it. I love your chili. I always smother it with cheese and add noodles to it. Although eating it with chips is great too," she commented, then moved to sit on a barstool. "I wasn't snoring loud was I?"

"Louder than I've ever heard you snore before. I thought it was him at first, until your snoring woke him for a few minutes." Mary replied. "Should I add noodles? Loki has a thing for noodles, right?"

"I didn't mean to snore. You know I hate that I do it." Emily watched Mary continue to cook. "What if we made a separate pot of spaghetti noodles?"

"I can do that. I never imagined he would be so picky about food." Mary admitted, amused. She put the lid back on the pot, then took out another pot to start the noodles.

Emily shrugged as she watched her friend. "I didn't either. I think he's just used to whatever they serve in Asgard though. I imagine their food is a lot different than ours. Hell, I know Jane Foster got Thor hooked on pop tarts and coffee," she said with a laugh. "Loki is hooked on all things noodles."

"That kind of makes me wonder what their food is like. I'm sure they have the same basic food groups, like meat and veggies..." Mary said, very curious about it. "You should talk him into asking Thor to bring some food."

"I could try," Emily commented. "Do you want me to help you with anything?" she asked.

"No, I'm just doing this to stay awake." Mary answered as she added the noodles to the new pot, which was filled with water.

"Why are you having issues sleeping?" Emily asked. "Normally it's not an issue for you."

"It's just been all the stress... since all this started. Between the double shifts, packing, and stressing over it all, it's just... been hard." Mary said softly.

"You know I can help you, if you would let me. I have more funds than I know what to do with. I know I'm overpaid... or at least I was being overpaid until all of this happened." Emily sighed and let down her hair, putting the hair tie around her wrist. "Will you let me help you?"

"I think I mostly have it all worked out now, but thank you. I found a place across town and have just enough for the deposits on it." Mary said with a little smile.

Emily smiled. "What's the place like?"

"It's... it's alright, I guess. It's a lot smaller. It's not nearly as nice, to be honest. I had to go to the lower class side of town." She said, feeling a little ashamed. "This city is just an expensive place to live."

"Mary... you know I don't mind helping you. I don't mind if you lived here with us. I could even have us moved to a three bedroom place if I have to. Honestly, I would like to move to where I'm not next door to Tony," Emily said.

"You know I don't accept handouts. I would rather be homeless than handed a free ride." Mary said truthfully. "If you want to move to a different condo, I can help you and Loki get moved though."

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