Chapter Seventy One

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Frigga looked around the common room while waiting for Emily. She smiled fondly when she saw her approaching. "Hello dear." She greeted. "I apologize for it taking me so long, we have had so much to deal with."

"It's alright," Emily answered. "It wasn't something that required you to hurry."

"How is my son doing?" Frigga asked, knowing he must be worried.

Emily frowned, turning to lead Frigga over to the couch. "He's... distant... scared."

Frigga nodded. "That makes sense. So, I know where to start, has he told you he's not Asgardian?"

"Yes," Emily answered. "I know that he's adopted."

"How much has he told you about it?" Frigga asked curiously.

Emily tucked her legs beneath her on the couch. "Not a lot honestly. That's all I know. He keeps telling me that he can't be who I want him to be, but I love him how he is."

"My son is from a realm called Jotunheim. I'm sure it will come as no surprise to know that it is a realm of ice." Frigga explained, taking things slow so Emily could ask any questions along the way.

"That... actually does make sense. He's always cool to the touch," Emily replied. "It never felt super cold, but cool."

"He uses a fair amount of energy to maintain the enchantments that keep himself comfortable and safe in the warmth. It's why he constantly eats so much." Frigga told her.

Emily nodded. "Does it... hurt him to be here with us?" She asked. "I don't want anything to happen to him."

"Without his seidr, it's extremely hard for him. If his enchantments are good, then he's alright." Frigga promised her.

"He hasn't complained about it the entire time he's been here. Even when he didn't have his power," Emily noted. She rubbed the back of her neck, feeling nervous. "Ever since Loki proposed... I've been thinking of having a family. But when I bring up the idea of it to Loki, he shuts down and tells me that he can't. I've told him I love him no matter what, but it doesn't seem to be enough."

"My son has always been one to keep any complaints to himself." Frigga sighed. "He fears the child will look Jotun in appearance. He also fears how others would treat any half Jotun children he was to father them."

"I wouldn't care what the baby looked like," Emily replied. "I don't know how to get him to see that."

"Here is the problem. My husband thinks very poorly of the Jotnar. He taught my sons to hate and despise them as monsters. This is why Loki thinks so poorly of himself." Frigga explained. "He feels any child of is his would just be seen as another monster."

Emily frowned and stared down at the floor. "That's so awful. I... I don't know how I could even think about helping to change that." She felt tears well in her eyes as she looked back up at Frigga. "I love him so much..."

"Do you want to see what the Jotnar look like?" Frigga offered.

"I... would I be able to see Loki?" She asked. "He's the only one I care about."

"I can only show you Loki as an infant. I have never seen his adult Jotun appearance." Frigga admitted. She conjured an illusion of infant Loki, the very first time she saw him.

Emily smiled and reached out as if she could touch him. "He's... beautiful. It's a shame he was taught the way he was." She looked back up at Frigga as a thought came to her mind. "If you knew what he was as a baby... why does he think the way he does?"

Frigga looked down at the floor as the illusion vanished. "I did not know my husband was teaching him such hate until the damage was already done."

"That's... I'm sorry Frigga." Emily reached to put her hand on the woman's knee. "I wish I knew how to help. He's so adamant about keeping his ways... and stubborn."

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