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Reagan would be lying if she said she didn't feel her pulse race when she realized it was Harry calling. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel the least bit flattered that he went to the trouble of looking for her number when she had obviously never given it to him. And she would definitely be lying if she said she wasn't the least bit interested in finding out what it all meant, but alas, Reagan was never the type to like the truth.

"How did you get my number." She said coldly.

"Rae, you're our campaign manager."

"I never gave you my number."

"I know, that's why I asked Lydia to provide all of us with your information."

"What!?" What information!?" She practically screamed into the phone.

"Well, Miss Reagan Amelia Bailey..." Reagan shuddered, but he continued nonetheless, "We do need to look at your resume."


"You don't live far from me, you know, we should carpool!" He said enthusiastically.

"I'm hanging up." She muttered.

"No! Wait!" He said, and for some reason, she listened.


"How has your night been?"

"I just dropped you off an hour ago. What do you think could possibly have happened to me in the span of an hour?"

He chuckled, "I don't know. Sometimes things happen in a split second, don't they?"


He stayed quiet, almost as if realizing that he had bothered her. But Harry wasn't that considerate, just because he realized it didn't mean he'd do anything about it.

"So, at eight?"


"Am I picking you up at eight?"

"For what?"

He smiled, "Reagan, come on, get with the program. Carpool, remember?"

"I am NOT carpooling with you."

"Then are you coming round mine to pick me up?"

She rolled her eyes but suddenly thought, "Sure. Yeah, I will pick you up."

"At eight?"

"On the dot." She said with a devious smile.

Harry didn't think it would be that easy, but then again, he was always being proved wrong. But there was just something, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on though that was really bothering him about this whole thing. Sure, Reagan could totally relent and give in to driving with him to work, but pigs could also fucking fly.

"Okay." He said cheerily, "Goodnight, Rae."

"Night, Harry."

She put down her phone and laid back upon her bed, too tired to take off her work clothes, but not tired enough to not care about it. Harry was in the same boat, still had his leather boots on as he laid back upon his couch. He didn't feel like sleeping on his bed, again, and preferred the plush couch he had just gotten a few months back. He turned on his TV and slowly started drifting in and out of consciousness, all the while holding in his large hands the file marked Reagan Bailey that had been left in his mailbox earlier that evening by Lydia.


Reagan awoke to feel rather pleased with herself. She wasn't actually going to pick up Harry, she knew what it would mean if people saw her driving him to work. Her stomach was knots just thinking about it. Besides, she knew that Harry was a big boy. If she wasn't there by eight on the dot, he would figure it out and drive himself. It really was not that terrible, at least, she tried to convince herself that it wasn't.

She threw on her favorite outfit, the black pencil skirt with the floral blouse and the cute flats, and ran a hand through her hair while standing in front of the mirror. Before she got too caught up with her reflection, she busied herself applying her makeup and finally grabbed her purse to go out the door. The morning was humid, as expected, but it didn't bother her. In fact, she simply put on her sunglasses and smiled whilst she opened the door to her car and turned on the air condition. She looked at the clock and smiled when she saw 7:45 reflected upon it. It was still early, but she chose to be on her way.

The gates to her home opened wide, and she drove without much paying much attention because she had done it so many times in the past few years. Besides, she wasn't sure if she had grabbed her ID and needed to make sure it was in her large tote. As she managed the steering wheel with one hand and sifted through her bag with the other, she had yet to notice there was a car parked behind the gate at the end of her driveway.

As Reagan continued to sift through her bag the car began to drive forward and parked directly in the middle of the end of the driveway, blocking Reagan's exit. Yet, she continued at the same speed, not noticing the Range Rover blocking her way.

When she finally managed to get her hands on her ID it was only a few feet before the end of the driveway and she screamed an ear-piercing scream jamming her breaks and hoping that she wouldn't crash. Her car stopped mere inches away from the ostentatious SUV and her blood boiled so much that she jumped out of her car, shaking knees and all, only to yell at the idiot driver who thought her driveway was a parking space.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" She yelled going around the car, knocking on all its shiny windows until she reached the driver's side. All the windows were tinted and it wasn't until the window rolled down that she saw a smirking face.

"With me? Rae! I came to pick you up!" Harry side laughingly.

"Didn't we agree that I would pick you up!?" She screamed.

"Rae, we both know you weren't going to pick me up." He said in a suddenly serious tone of voice.


"My house is twenty minutes away from you. You, according to Lydia, are always in the office ten minutes before you're supposed to be there. So, it's approximately 7:47, and it's only a fifteen-minute drive to the office right?" He didn't even wait for her answer, he just continued, "Obviously you were going straight to the office, ditching me in the process."

Reagan's mouth is open and she's well aware of it, but she can't do anything about it. She tries to speak, "I...I-"

"I've been ditched before, Rae. You aren't the first, won't be the last." He smiled endearingly at her, almost making her feel a twinge of guilt because, God, there was hurt in his eyes but his smile attempted to hide it, "Now." He said putting his sunglasses on, "Park your car, and get your stuff."


"We're going to be late if you don't get with the program, Rae. I may forgive you for attempting to ditch me, but I won't forgive you for tarnishing my impeccable attendance." He smiled.

"I thought it was pretty clear I didn't want to go to work with you."

"Crystal." He said, not moving an inch.


"Well, either you get in this car or no one is going to work today."

"Are you serious?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips and staring at him with a fury so strong she felt as if she could set him on fire.

"Love, I've never been more serious." He said, tipping his face slightly so she could see his mossy eyes lock onto hers.

"Fucking shit, I hate you." She muttered, walking away with great disdain.

She got back into her car and started hitting the steering wheel, Harry watched with a smirk upon his face. He didn't even mind that she had tried to ditch him, not as much as he thought he would. He knew she was just trying to do her job, and that he was a dick for messing that up for her, but he just couldn't help it. She looked incredibly hot when she was angry, her eyes turned this shade of green that he'd never before seen on anyone, and her nose scrunched and her hands clenched in a fist, and 'Good God' he thought, 'This girl is gorgeous' as he watched her go in reverse back into her garage and in a rage slammed her doors and walked towards him.

"Drive." She ordered.

And he simply twisted his mouth into that cheeky half-grin of his, "Your wish is my command."

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