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So finally everything seemed good. Reagan smiled to herself as she began packing for Chicago, broke into an even bigger smile when she saw her ring on her right hand. Even though her workload was obviously tripled, for once she was confident in herself. For once everything seemed as if things were going to be more than just okay. Finally, she knew what she was doing, both in her personal and professional life, and that was reiterated by the compliments she had received by the Honda team. They were almost in awe of her, considering she was only a college student and was already heading such a renowned campaign. She was starting to believe in herself, starting to feel comfortable in the body she was in. She was even packing shorts for God's sake. Had it been a few months ago, she wouldn't even have dreamed of it. But perhaps her biggest milestone? She's been having lunch daily with the team, actually eating in front of them. To anyone else this wouldn't be a milestone, but to our girl? She's amazed by the person she's slowly becoming.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Kennedy asked, peeking into Reagan's room.

"Yet again," Reagan responded, placing shirts into suitcases.

"Are you still mad at me?"

Reagan grunted. Of course she had found out that Kennedy was at Louis' house all those nights ago, and of course she was still irked at the fact. Kennedy just didn't get it. Aside from the fact that she didn't need help in taking care of Hailey, she also didn't need the added worry of her little sister being in such close contact with a twenty three year old.

"We just wanted to help."

"That didn't require a late night visit to Louis'"

"It was like seven at night. And besides I thought you trusted him."

Reagan sighed, "Kenz, you're a very pretty girl."

"So what, you think he's going to take advantage of me?"

Reagan stayed silent.

"And you think I would let him, don't you?"

"I know how you feel about him, Kenz. I just don't want you to get your heart broken."

Kennedy sighed and sat on Reagan's bed, "He's not that kind of guy, Rae. You should already know that."

"I'm not judging his character Kenz. We all do stupid shit when we like someone."

"What stupid shit have you done?" Kennedy said, a huge smirk unfurling upon her face.

Reagan laughed, "Too much."

"But do you regret it?"

"Not even for a minute."

"Even if everything goes to shit?" She asked, referring to Hailey.

"Even if everything goes to shit, it'll all have been worth it."

"The sex was that good?"

Reagan flushed, "You know, we were having a nice moment there."

"Well you never told me what happened."

"You weren't home." Reagan said pointedly.

"But I am now."

"But now I don't feel like talking about it."

"Oh, come on! What was it like? Was it everything you ever dreamed of?"

Just as Reagan was going to say something they heard their mother yell up the stairs, "Girls! Dinner!"

"No!" Kennedy yelled, obviously having seen that Reagan was about to spill something.

"Sorry, maybe another time." Reagan said smugly.

"You're leaving tomorrow!"

"Maybe when I get back." Reagan replied, closing her suitcase.

That's when Kennedy saw it, "Where did you get that ring?'

Reagan smiled and shrugged once more.

"Did he give that to you!? Did he seriously give you a Hello Kitty ring!? That's like him proposing to you, Rae! You guys are seriously, serious! Oh my god!"

Reagan continued saying nothing, she figured that would an adequate punishment for Kennedy. One day she would finally tell her every single detail, but today would not be that day.

"Reagan! Let me try it on!"

"Don't hold your breath."

"Oh come on, I want to see it! Let me see it!" Kennedy cried as they walked towards the staircase.

"See what?" Their mother asked from the kitchen.

Reagan sighed, now it was just going to get worse. Luckily her father was in New York again with Zayn's team. Not that that didn't bother her. It just seemed like too much of a coincidence that she would begin working with One Direction when her father had begun working with Zayn. Just when she had wanted to believe that she had gotten the job because of her merits, her father's shady actions continued to make her think otherwise.

But at the moment that wasn't on her mind as much. What she was mostly thinking of was a way out of having to tell her mother and Kennedy about her relationship with Harry. But she was coming up blank.

"Reagan's ring!"


"Not an engagement ring, mom." Reagan said, before her mother exploded with happiness.

"It's still a ring!" Kennedy said excitedly.

"Did he give it to you!?"

"Oh my god." Reagan sighed.

"He did! Look at it, mom!" Kennedy exclaimed, grabbing Reagan's hand and shoving it in her mother's face.

"It's so beautiful! It even has a cat on it! Is it a little inside joke between the two of you? Oh goodness, that makes it even more endearing."

"Can we please just have dinner?" Reagan asked, blushing furiously.

Her mother tried to contain herself, she really did for Reagan sake. So she let go of Reagan hand and smiled, "Of course we can."

"Thank you." Reagan graciously exhaled.

"I made your favorite since you're leaving tomorrow. I still can't believe you've come so far. Look at you, look at everything you've done." She smiled. She couldn't help herself, she ended up pulling Reagan into a teary hug and of course Kennedy joined in as well. There they were, mother and daughters, all hugging in the middle of the kitchen, their faces wet with happy tears.

As much as Reagan hated crying, seeing her mother cry always made her cry. Something swelled in her heart, and the embrace of her mother and sister made it even stronger. She was finally right where she should be, that's how it really felt. Now to conquer all the other obstacles in her way to make sure it would stay that way. 

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