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Luckily for everyone involved, the boys' next tour dates were all conveniently in or around LA. Naturally of course Reagan would have usually been excited, but considering the circumstances of their current situation, she was less than pleased. Harry noted this right away, seeing as Reagan's face fell as Lydia outlined their events for the week.

The time had finally come it seemed, he and Hailey were to go on their first date before the boys moved onto their next string of tour dates across the US. Lydia had made sure that there was just the right amount of mystery surrounding Harry and Hailey's relationship so that they would stay relevant for more than a couple of days. After all, it was a great promo not only for Hailey but for the band as well. A new girlfriend meant new material to write about. And to top it all off, it meant that everyone would forget about Reagan and Harry linked romantically. It was a win, win, win. Just the way Lydia liked it.

After the weirdness that followed their return to the US, Reagan and Harry's relationship felt strained. He didn't know how to approach her about the fact, and she simply couldn't tell him what was the matter. As much as she wanted to be with him, she couldn't think of a way out of Hailey's manicured grasp. She had her, she had her pretty fucking good. Besides, there wasn't much Reagan could do right before Harry and Hailey went public. She just had to suck it up and put on a brave face. There was much more at stake than just her and Harry, there was also the whole Louis thing. If they played their cards right, then maybe everyone could have a happy ending. But that meant keeping calm and acting rationally.

"So, I've book a summer concert with Good Morning America." Lydia said as they all sat in the conference room at the label. She had droned on about sales and ads, but finally she gotten the boys' attention seeing as they were all looking attentively at her, "You've been invited not only for the summer, but also for their 40th anniversary celebration in November. I assume you will be ready to promote a single by August? Have you chosen one yet?"

The boys all smiled at each other while Louis answered confidently, "We've got one in mind, yeah."

"Make sure it's ready by then. I imagine Julian will have a finished version up and ready by the end of the month."

Julian nodded, not even looking up. Unlike the boys, he could care less. He was still too wrapped up in finishing the album. The first track was already ready though, Reagan had heard them excitedly abuzz about it earlier that morning. Something about it being the perfect single after Zayn had left. Louis especially was proud of it. But of course it was all hush hush, the boys wanting it to be a surprise to everyone, especially Reagan.

"Harry," Lydia said as she turned to look at him, "I think that when you confirm your relationship with Hailey, you should do it on that day, you know? It would be a great way to get the performance and single trending on Twitter."

Harry looked so pained at the idea. He ran his hand through his long hair, pushing the wavy strands back in frustration. But he nodded nonetheless, "Yeah, sure."

"Even though we can't promote the album yet, you can promote the single and the tour. And of course, Harry's relationship with Hailey will help all of this become relevant. Not that you aren't of course," Lydia quickly said as she gauged the boys' facial expressions, "But we all know how much your romantic lives come into play."

"So you're basically making us do an interview just to show the world Harry's in a relationship?" Louis asked, clearly appalled, "I thought this was about the single."

"It's good promo. We take all the promo we can get."

Reagan did not like the look on Louis' face at all, she had known him long enough to know that when he made that face it meant trouble.

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