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Harry and Louis had never been the type to get wasted off their asses, but this seemed like the appropriate occasion. After all, Louis was going to be a father and Harry now had two girlfriends. Could there ever be a better thing to celebrate?

"Y-You know what? I'd love to have a boy." Louis said, knocking back his seventh...or eighth, bottle of the night.

"A boy?" Harry mused, his cheeks bright red and his head spinning. He hadn't had quite as many, and still had a slightly better head upon his shoulders in comparison to Louis. That wasn't saying much though.

"Yeah. Girls are too much trouble, the lot of them are. You never know what in the bloody hell they're thinking."

"Like Rae."

"Exactly like Rae."

They each took a swig from their bottles.

"A boy. I-I'm" Louis hiccuped, "I'm still a boy, aren't I."

"You're a man, Lou."

"I don't want to be." He said rather crossly, "I don't want to be an adult."

"You're going to have to be."

"But, I'm only...I'm only." He counted out loud, frustrated at the fact he couldn't come up with his age.

"You're twenty-three, Lou."

"Yeah, I'm twenty-three." He pondered. "Bloody hell, I'm old."

Harry laughed loudly, "No you're not."

"I'm having a baby."

"Technically, Briana is."

Louis still managed to look at him with an unimpressed look upon his face.

"Briana. Huh, I never would have thought she would be the mother of my baby. Always thought it would be Natalie Portman."

"Like she'd ever look your way."

"Hey now, I'm told I'm quite a catch. A couple million girls seem to think so anyway."

"A couple million girls also think we're in love with each other."

Louis slammed his bottle down in pure outrage, "Are you saying we're not!?"

Harry laughed, "What are you saying we are."

"Well, you've never even given me a chance." Louis pouted, scooting closer to Harry.

Harry simply turned to look at him, a smug look upon his flushed face, "Lou, you're drunk."

"Well, if I'm coming onto you, I must be." Louis said, immediately moving back to his side of the couch.

"Wait, are you really-" Harry shook his head and thought better of it, "You know what, never mind."

Louis ended up in a state of half passed out, half awake and incoherently muttering things about not wanting to be an adult. Harry wondered if everyone went through this when they realized they were going to be parents.

But then, thinking about kids made him think about getting married, and getting married made him think about Reagan. Because, if he were ever to question his life at 4am like Louis, he knew he'd never want to do it with anyone other than her.

He didn't blame Louis though, it was sudden. They were about to go on their first long break, and bam, suddenly it's a whole other huge responsibility that sidelines him. He had cursed himself earlier for being so reckless, for just carelessly-and drunkenly-having sex with Briana one night after they had come back from some club. They weren't even together, but at least they were friends. At least she didn't expect him to marry her or to be with her romantically. At least she understood him, and that was all Harry could hope for his friend. After all, a baby was joyous news. Louis would see that after the initial shock wore off.

Harry placed his bottle upon the table and made a point of taking the rest of the beers and placing them back in the fridge. Louis had managed to fall asleep already, far too drunk to even attempt making it to his bed. So it was Harry and his thoughts once more.

All he could think though was that Reagan didn't love him and that maybe he was crazy for being so head over heels for her. But then his phone vibrated and his heart raced when he saw it was a text from Reagan, who surely must've gotten a new phone. And he knew that just because he was crazy for loving her, it didn't mean he was going to stop. Even as he read those dreaded words upon his screen, he knew that they were just a guise.

We should probably talk

y r you still up, it's 3 AM. And I thought your phone was broken? Did you unexpectedly run into some money reagan bailey?

Harry, youre up too. And it's Kennedy's old phone. She just got a new one so she gave me this one.

oh, aceeeeeeeeeeeee.


Im drunk

oh god

well not drunk enough, i can still text

youre with lou, arent you

how did you know

when do you ever drink more than 1 beer

why does everyone say that. i like drinking. i like beer.

look, i just think we should talk. when youre sober. so when that happens you can text me back

no don't go. louis fell asleep and im lonely.

how are you still annoying through text

its a gift. we can talk now though im not that drunk

im falling asleep

rae, you're a bad liar

you're a terrible drunk

fine, go to bed

you should too

night love you

He texted it despite the fact he knew she would be flipping out at the moment. He could already picture the blush upon her cheeks and the anxious look upon her face. Tomorrow when she yelled at him for saying he loved her, he'd just blame it on the alcohol. Yes, that sounded good. in fact.

Rae, when this is all over we're getting married. youll be this amazing pr agent and ill start a smoothie shop here in la. well have three kids kale ann, chiquita marie , and ben. and we'll be happy. i promise you no matter what happens ill love you and well be happy.

He laughed out loud at his own message and hit send. It took a few minutes but she responded,

i wasnt going to dignify this with an answer, other than to tell you to make sure you take louis' phone away so he doesn't make as big of an ass out himself as you just did, but i should tell you that no sane woman is going to marry you if you plan on naming your kids that

what, ben?

goodnight harry

night rae :)

Sleep over took him, but not before he took Louis' phone away, Rae was right after all. He fell asleep with a smile upon his dimpled face, dreaming dreams of smoothie shops and curly haired children that were the spitting image of Reagan.

He couldn't help but think that maybe he should drink more often.

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