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Reagan found it rather disconcerting that after Kennedy's visit to the studio, Louis and her little sister spent quite a while texting back and forth throughout the day. As a protective older sister she wanted to tell Louis to back off, but as his friend, she knew better than to think that he would take it any further than a friendship. She knew that, as Harry explained for the fiftieth time, Louis' sister was Kennedy's age. That Louis' intentions with her sister were not at all something gross, that he wasn't hitting on her or anything of the sort. But he did miss Lottie and seeing as Kennedy was so much like her, he couldn't help but feel attached to her.

As it was Reagan also knew that she couldn't criticize Kennedy much either. Kennedy, it seemed had snapped out of believing she was "in love" with Louis. And Kennedy also didn't have many friends, so Reagan tried to understand why she had become so close to Louis. She didn't want to like the fact, but she knew she had to understand it.

"You still worried about Kennedy?" Harry asked as they drove home.

"A week straight. They've been texting each other non-stop for a week straight."

"Wouldn't it be two since technically they exchanged numbers the day she came to the studio?"

"You're really not helping."

"I already told you nothing's going to happen between them, Rae. Why are you so worried?"



"She's my little sister. I have to be."

"Look." Harry said ironically because he was unable to turn to look at her since he was driving, "Louis isn't looking for any kind of relationship right now. He just broke up with Eleanor not too long ago, I sincerely doubt he wants to date anyone for a while. Now, with that I'm not implying he would ever date Kennedy, because he wouldn't, he knows better. So I think it would just be better if you stop thinking about it, okay love?"

"He's going away to England anyway next week right?"

"Yeah, and he's staying there almost the entirety of our month off."

"Okay." She said, realizing she had to let it go and be less over protective. "I guess you're right."

"Besides, we have other things to think about."

"Like what?"

He smiled, "We have an entire month together, and we have yet to go on a real date."


"Yeah. That's right. Maybe we should think about what we want to do in that month?"

"Well, we can't really be seen in public together." Reagan said.

"Are you implying we should just kind of going into hiding? Maybe you can just stay with me for the month."


"I'm serious."

"Yeah, so am I."

Harry pouted, "Oh come on. So you're never going to come over to my house?"

"I never said that..."

"So you will?"

"I don't know!"

"It's a simple yes or no question, Rae."

"I just...I don't know if I'm ready for that..."

"For what?"

She sighed, "For...being...I don't know. Alone with you?"

"We don't," He cleared his throat, "Have to do anything. That's not why I'm with you. Well, it's not the only reason."

"Do we really not have to do anything yet, or are you just saying that to lure me to your house just so you can make your move?"

"Do my moves really work?"

"Good point."

Harry pouted of course, but knew Reagan was joking. Or at least, wanted to believe she was very badly. The thing was that, of course he thought about having Reagan alone with him. Of course he wanted to do more than just kiss her. But he also knew that he couldn't push her. Just as she came to decide that they could be together, she would come to decide when she would want to be alone with him. And he knew much better than to try to pressure her. So that's when his bright idea hit him.

"Why don't we go on a road trip?" He said, a smile growing upon his face.

"A road trip?"

"Yeah. We could go...I don't know, but I know there's so many places I've never gotten to see here in the states."

"Didn't I just say we shouldn't be seen together in public?"

"I can wear a disguise."


"Or I can just say you're my new assistant."

"Wait...that's a demotion isn't it?"

He rolled his eyes, "Many would consider it a promotion."

"From what?"

Harry shook his head, "Anyway. You know I've been dying to try that burger you were talking about."

"Flintridge Proper?"

"That's the one."

"What about your juicing?"

"I told you I only do it when I need to detoxify my body. Which I'll probably do after I eat three of those burgers."

"Three? That's ambitious, most people can't even finish one."

"Oh ye of little faith."

Reagan smiled, "When do you want to go?"

"So you want to go?"

"We can go. But you'll have to wear a disguise."

"Miley Cyrus or one of the guys from Hanson?"

"You're kidding right?"

As they approached Reagan's house Harry parked and turned to look at her, "You're totally right."


"Yeah. I must be mad. Of course I'll go as Miley. I can put my hair up in those bloody space bun things now."

Reagan simply opened the car door and stepped out, without as much as a goodbye.

"Hey!" He yelled through the car window, "What in the hell? No goodbye?"

"I cross the line at you cross dressing." She said, without even turning back to look at him.

"It's not like I haven't done it before, and besides, it's not cross dressing. I'll be wearing that lovely orange thong with the large foam finger."

"You're not helping yourself." She said walking towards the gate, it wasn't til she reached it that she turned around and waved, "See you tomorrow."

"Do you want to choose my disguise?" He tried.

"We will talk tomorrow. I deserve at least eight hours without your craziness."

Harry pouted, "You know, girlfriends don't typically speak to their boyfriends that way."

"I thought we didn't have a label." She said, her heart beating rapidly.

He shrugged and smiled, "I know what we are. Don't you?"

"I guess so."

As she went to open the gate, she heard his car start once more. He yelled through the window before driving away, "Road trip! Next week! Prepare yourself!"

She shook her head, it was always something with that boy.

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