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No, it wasn't under Reagan's job description, but she ended up doing a lot of work that week in order to ensure that Louis' reputation was not tarnished. Which in turn would have meant the band's reputation would have been ruined, which in turn meant the album would not be successful. So in a way, she actually was doing something that was under her job description, she supposed.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful compared to the Sunday they had, the boys mostly sticking to laying low and working on writing a few more songs. They had spent some time going out to other studios, working with other artists, leaving Reagan to her own devices. Since she was alone she was finally able to eat something and relax a bit. She began designing some websites, some banners, and some potential flyers for the album as she ate some carrot sticks and celery. It had only been a few days, but she felt better. She knew better than to delude herself into thinking she had lost about ten pounds in a few days, but she did guess that she lost at least one or two at the very most.

She got up with her carrot stick, knowing that she had to stretch her legs every twenty minutes so that they wouldn't hurts as much, and paced around the room. She hadn't noticed that Harry had come back early from his break and opened the door as quietly as he could to startle her. To his surprise, he found her eating. Something he had rarely seen her do. So he snuck up on her, standing right above her shoulder as he muttered, "So you are human?"

She jumped at the sound of Harry's voice and choked on her dry carrot stick. Coughing and heaving, Reagan felt tears well in her eyes as Harry hit her back roughly. He didn't need to give her the Heimlich—thankfully—and eventually she caught her breath. He simply looked at her with a smug look as she muttered weakly, "I fucking hate you."

His hand was still upon her back as he inched closer to her and smugly stated, "Now we both know that's a lie."

She pushed him off of her, "I thought you were on your break."

He lifted up his empty juice container and smiled, "I finished eating."

"You mean drinking?"

"Well, it's kind of my only form of sustenance for now."

She eyed him carefully, "Does that actually work?"

He smiled, "You want to try it?"

She shrugged, feigning interest, "If it works."

"Depends on the results you want from it."

"And what results do you want? You weigh like ninety pounds." She said pointedly.

"I do not!"

"Uhuh." She replied, unconvinced.

"Look, I don't do it to lose weight. I just do it to feel better. It makes your body just feel clean, that's why it's called a cleanse."

"I thought it was unhealthy to do stuff like that." She said pointing to his array of bottles along his desk, marked by day.

"It's not. You get all the nutrition you need. Anyways, I'm only doing for a few days, it's not like you do it for an extended period of time."

"You lose weight though?"

"Yeah, but I gain it back in two weeks, not really an ideal thing for weight loss." He looked at her, and all of a sudden he realized why she had asked, "Do you want to lose weight, Rae?"

"No!" She said very defensively, "I was just wondering."

"Well, from your taste in rabbit food, I'd say you are."

"I like carrots."

"Yeah, but they're not a lunch, Rae."

"Neither are liquefied fruits and vegetables."

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