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Louis watched Reagan's car pull out and leave with a strange feeling in his chest. He didn't care for it, not one bit. It was this strange mix of melancholic loneliness and happiness. He couldn't figure why he was feeling that way, thought that maybe it had something to do with the fact that he hadn't been home in so long, and whether he could even still call it home. Or how his break up was the best thing that had happened to him in five years, the contractual obligation finally terminated. He felt like he was finally free, but free to do what? He could write, sing, be on tour, but what else? There had to be more to life. He just didn't know what.

As he turned to start walking back to his empty house he saw headlights illuminating the dark sand. Louis looked up to see a Range Rover parking in the same spot that Reagan had just unoccupied. He smiled, waiting for the car to park and for his friend to come out.

"Kind of late to be out on the beach, isn't it?" Harry said, locking his car and walking over.

"Tell that to your girlfriend."

Even with the small amount of light from the moon and the distance between them, Louis could see Harry's face flush a powerful red.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Yeah, that's what she said too."

Harry shook his head and rolled his eyes, pretending that he didn't care, but he did. All he could keep thinking was that one day Reagan would say they were together and that might be one of the best days in his life. He didn't even care how lame he sounded within his own head, all he wanted was to be able to tell everyone that he did fancy Reagan. That the same feeling that Louis had, that melancholic loneliness, that it's been slowly dissipating. But he couldn't tell anyone, not yet. The only thing that made him feel okay about the fact was that Reagan kissed him, that was the only thing. And boy, was that kiss on repeat twenty-four-seven.

"Come on then, we can't stay out here all night," Louis said turning to his house once more, happy that it wouldn't be empty tonight.

"I'm coming," Harry muttered, running after him on his skinny, gangly, legs.

Louis laughed at his mate's ridiculous form when running, those toothpicks called legs far too long to be graceful, and simply stood still so that Harry would catch up to him and wouldn't have to keep running.

"So, Reagan was here?" Harry asked, not even a bit out of breath from running across the beach.

"Yeah, needed some peace and quiet."

"Then why were you with her?"

Louis punched Harry's arm and they began walking towards his house, finally.

"She's funny," Louis said, walking with his hands in his sweatpants' pockets and looking up at the dark starry sky.

"She's really smart too."

"I'm sorry I said that stuff about her before, mate. You know, if you really do fancy her, it'll be worth the shit storm."

"I know. I just don't know if it's worth putting her through it."

They reach the house in no time, Louis opening the large glass door and letting Harry go in first. Harry gapes though, "You should really lock your doors."

"Why? We're on a beach."

"Did you see how easily Reagan got out there? What if someone sneaks into your house?"


"Have you met our fans?" Harry said jokingly, knowing they were crafty when they wanted to be, but that they hopefully knew better than to attempt to break into one of their houses.

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