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Weeks came and went, some notably, others not so much. There wasn't anything particularly exciting this Saturday morning either, just the fact that it was the last weekend before their break was over. And also the fact that being this close to Harry became something totally routine to Reagan. She was used to his presence, to his weirdness, to his horrible jokes, and weird juicing habits. It wasn't that she didn't get butterflies every time he looked at her head-on, not by a long shot. It was just that it felt like there was some kind of new normal in her life, one that she actually liked.

"Am I taking you home?" Harry asked, clearly not wanting her to.

"It's been a long morning, and I promised Kennedy I'd take her to the mall today. She needs to pick up some shoes for her prom."

"Isn't it like a month away?"

"She got her dress three months ago."

"Oh, so clearly this is very late for her to be getting her shoes."

"Clearly." Reagan said with a smirk.

They had spent the entire morning at the studio with Julian. Harry still wanting to get out some lyrics and Reagan catching up on some work. His voice was a little raspy from singing for about five hours straight, but he looked happier. He needed to sing, had quite a few lyrics on his minds the past few days. It was incredibly therapeutic for him. Especially the fact that he had Julian and the studio all to himself. He didn't even mind Reagan was around, mostly because he was in the soundproof room and she couldn't hear a thing. But he needed a day like today, actually, he needed a lot of days like today. It just felt like sometimes they got so caught up in having to produce more and more albums, that they lost the art of it. They forgot the sheer feeling of being able to release your inner most thoughts onto a sheet of paper. They never were able to just take a song and work on it for days, weeks, months. Not a lot of songs anyways, usually just one or two. But those few songs were so close to their hearts, just like this particular one was close to Harry's. After about a month, it was almost ready. He couldn't wait for Reagan to hear it...when the album came out.

They had done a lot the past few weeks. But mostly, they got to know each other. For real this time. No making out (okay maybe a little), no running away from massive crowds, no worrying about what other people would think. They just got to talk, to get to know each other's quirks. And it only proved to Harry that this would work. That giving it time would make it all figure itself out.

But he knew there was one thing he and Reagan hadn't talked about yet, and that was the matter of her going on tour with the boys. He weighed the pros and cons endlessly, but ultimately he knew that it was up to her to decided. And he didn't want to influence her decision, so even though he wanted to ask (almost every day), he didn't. Actually, he probably wasn't going to until Reagan brought it up herself.

"You think maybe I could tag along?"

"To the mall? On a Saturday? Nice try."

He pouted, "Fine. Another day then."

As they were reaching the street they needed to turn on, Reagan's new phone went off.

Harry of course sighed and rolled his eyes, upset that Reagan hadn't let him buy her a new one, even though it was clearly his fault. But Reagan didn't even pay attention to his little sigh.

"Huh. Kennedy said to pick her up on the next street, not on ours."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know..."

She waited for Kennedy to text back, but she never did. In fact, she saw her little sister sprinting towards them in the distance.

"Harry! Stop the car."

"What, why is she...?"

It was was only mere seconds before Kennedy reached the car, Reagan rolled down the window only to be greeted by a panting and out of breath Reagan.


"Rae. can't go home." She said, holding onto her sides.


"They found....out...."

"Who? Who found out what?"

"Fans. They know...they know where we live."

She showed Reagan her phone, a picture of a flurry of girls outside their gates.

"Why? Why did they come to our house?"

At that Kennedy grabbed her phone back and opened her web browser, showing Reagan an article that had come out earlier that morning.

"Harry Styles Completely Smitten with PR Intern Reagan Bailey?"

Follow by pictures, so many fucking pictures of them from the past month.

"How did they-"

"Fans, Rae. They're all captured by fans." Kennedy said, trying to hide the disgust in her voice. "Somebody leaked our address too. Thanks to that fucking article the Mirror wrote last month that revealed everything about you, they were able to find us.

Reagan couldn't even respond.

Harry quietly said, "Get in, Kennedy."

Kennedy didn't even blink, just did as she was told.

Reagan though kept looking at the phone in her hand, willing herself not to look at the comments. She knew it had been too good to be true, that all this happiness and normalcy couldn't come without a cost.

"You guys look happy." Kennedy said, looking over Reagan's shoulder at the phone. They weren't touching in the picture, in fact they were a few inches a part. Reagan walking at least a few steps behind Harry, but him still turning around to look at her with a huge smile on his face, making her laughingly look down at her feet to avoid him seeing her blush.

Neither of them responded though. They knew that with this being the second article, with plenty of pictures, Lydia was bound to do something about it. And a scandal wasn't going to pop out of nowhere to save them.

"You know, honestly, it doesn't even look like you guys are dating. You look like friends. Friends who totally want to bone, but friends nonetheless."

Harry cracked a smile and shook his head, but Reagan was still stoic. Harry then turned to look at her, "It's just a couple of pictures and a bunch of speculation, love. Don't worry."

That's all it usually took though and Reagan new that. All it took was some pictures and a shitload of speculations, that's how most downfalls started now a days in the business.  

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