N I N E T Y - S E V E N

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Kennedy, being ever the overprotective little sister, had miraculously forgotten Harry's promise of taking her to breakfast with the boys. Why? Well, she had other things to worry about.

Much like Reagan, Kennedy had spent her day attempting to fix a problem. Since she was left to her own devices again, and after carrying on a conversation with Hailey for the past few days since her breakdown, Kennedy decided that it was time to meet with her. It's not like it would be hard, as long as she wasn't papped. She definitely didn't want Reagan knowing she was going behind her back.

Okay, so she kind of felt bad for Hailey. They had spent hours texting back and forth and Hailey ended up telling her a lot about her childhood. So she gets it, she knows why Hailey is so incredibly rude and mean. Growing up looking not so pretty and wanting to be a star made her vulnerable. So Hailey is considered beautiful now by Hollywood's standards, but at what cost? She grew up to be an incredibly mean and judgmental person. Why? Because that's the environment she grew up in, the one she became accustomed to. She wasn't allowed to be herself, so Kennedy understood that in seeing Reagan, be Reagan, and still get the boy, made Hailey basically go insane. But Kennedy was sure she could fix it. She naively believed that all Hailey needed was one friend that could tell it to her like it is. So she decided to sacrifice herself, and began to gain Hailey's trust in her time of need.

After closing the gate, Kennedy made her way to the end of her street where Hailey was diligently waiting in a small car. She looked like a complete mess as opposed to the girl she had met at the concert. Her hair was up in a messy bun, she was wearing jeans and what looked like an unwashed t-shirt. Kennedy believed right then and there that the girl was certainly in no condition to be exacting revenge against anyone.

"Hey." Kennedy said, getting into the front seat. She leaned over to take Hailey into a weird half-assed hug, and found by the clean, soapy smell, that Hailey had at least had the strength to shower before coming.

"Hi." Hailey mumbled.

"How are you feeling?"

"The same as before." She said, dramatically hitting her head against the steering wheel.

"You have to snap out of this, you're being ridiculous."

"You're like fifteen, you have no right to judge."

"I'm eighteen." Kennedy muttered.

"Whatever. My life is basically over."

"No, it's not."

"Yes it is. I was dumped for someone that looks like your sister for christ's sake. What the fuck is wrong with me!?" She almost started crying again, but somehow managed to keep it in.

"You know," Kennedy tried hesitantly, "People like Harry don't care about the what the outside looks like-"

"Don't give me that crap! Are you saying I'm ugly on the inside? Is that why?"

"No, god. It's just that, not everything is about looks Hailey."

"Yes it is!"

"This conversation is just going to keep going in circles." Kennedy said, shaking her head sympathetically. She had been trying to convince Hailey that looks weren't everything, but obviously that wasn't working.

"Are they really together?" Hailey finally asked, sniffling pathetically.

"No. Not officially." Kennedy lied through her teeth.

"What does that mean? Does that mean they're planning to be together?"

"I honestly don't know."

"She's your sister, how do you not know?" Hailey said snarkily.

"She doesn't tell me everything."

"And even if she did you wouldn't tell me anyway. Everyone is fucking Team Reagan."

"Team Reagan?"

"Haven't you been on the blogs online?" Girls are raving about her."

"What? Really?" Kennedy said, honestly not knowing. She knew that to some extent Reagan was semi-relevant but she thought things had died down after everything that had happened since those pictures of Reagan and Harry had made their rounds. Then again there were always the few that were always conspiring among each other and totally knew what was up. Those had to be the fans that were smitten with Reagan or that shipped her and Harry. But a whole team devoted to Reagan? That was new. She wondered if they were pitting her against Hailey.

"Ever since she got photographed with Harry. She has a small cult following."

"I thought it died down."

"Yeah, it was supposed to..." Hailey said, leaving it understood that everything was supposed to die down after she had been introduced as Harry's girlfriend.

"Hailey you need to snap out of this. You're Hailey fucking Stone, why are you getting so bent out of shape over a guy."

Hailey didn't answer her, but deep down she knew she was right. She knew it wasn't Harry's fault.

"You have an album to record, you have stuff to do! You have to move on."

Hailey did need to move on. But the only way she figured she could ever do that was by exacting her revenge on the person who had caused all this pain, "I do have to move on."

"Yes. You do."

Hailey said nothing else, which made Kennedy incredibly uneasy. Had she acutally managed to help Reagan? It felt like she hadn't. She sat back in her seat and sighed, she was pretty sure she had done the opposite of what she had planned. It seemed like Hailey was definitely now seeing a bullseye on Reagan's back.

But all Kennedy had to do now was get the tapes. Or convince Hailey not to use them, somehow. But how could she even tell her not to use them if she wasn't supposed to know about them in the first place? She leaned back in her seat and could feel a headache coming on. She hated it when Reagan was right. Maybe she should've just left everything alone.

She needed to call in reinforcements, so she quickly sent out a text before Hailey could see.

I know why Reagan was acting so weird around Hailey. Meet me tomorrow at noon, we'll discuss strategies.

She could only hope that Louis had stopped acting so weird, after all he had told her to text him anytime. And she hadn't lately. Maybe it was okay now. Maybe he would finally come around.

ill pick you up before going to the studio

Her phone buzzed within seconds, making her hopeful. Perhaps Louis would never reciprocate the feelings she had for him, but she could tell that without a doubt he cared for her and her sister. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough to make up for the whole not liking her back thing. But right now the only thing that mattered was seeing to it that Reagan finally got the happy ending that she deserved. Hers would have to wait for the moment. 

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