Chakra Control

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"Concentrate" Itachi whispered.

"I am..."

"Try Harder" This time being scolded by Kisame.

"I aaaaammmmmmmmmm!"

Itachi and Kisame were sat on either side of you beside the lake at the training grounds. Today was Chakra control training. You knew you had it in you, you felt it yourself the day of your initiation but the whole thing made little to no sense to you. You sighed loudly as Kisame snickered lifting himself up from his seat. You opened one eye from your meditation position and peeked up at Kisame.

"Perhaps she needs some motivation to work towards, eh Itachi?" Kisame walked towards the edge of the lake and made sure you were watching. He casually walked on water, to the center of the small lake. You scoffed and crossed your arms "Yeah right I bet this is a giant puddle, not a lake. No way is that possible" Kisame chuckled at your response and held his arms out. "Come on then [Y/N] come join me if that's true".

You smugly stood up and started to jog towards Kisame, only to fall straight into the lake first step. You lunged up gasping for air holding onto the side as Kisame walked towards you holding out a hand. You went to grab it but everytime you placed your feet down, gravity took you under. He placed you on the edge and explained "By concentrating chakra to the soles of your feet, you'll be able to walk on water and climb trees at ease. This is very basic stuff"

"Basic for a ninja maybe.." you mumbled. Itachi heard your comment and poked your forehead with two fingers "You'll get there. But first, concentrate" You scooted back towards your original spot and sat cross legged with your hands in your lap with your fingertips touching. You listened to Itachi's every direction in order to focus your chakra. Every now and then he would analyse you with his sharingan to see your chakra levels move. They acted as a faint heart beat, slowly growing alike a pulse but as soon as you lost concentration it would originate to a small ball in the centre of your body. Kisame moved back to the center of the lake and started practising his water style. You could hear what he was doing, it almost made you feel motivated to try harder to be able to join him. You wanted to get stronger, prove your worth now that you have chosen this life and to leave your old one behind.

The determination struck within you and you could feel a surge of power growing. "Good, keep it up" Itachi encouraged. His words sent pride in you, you opened your eyes showing your fire and stood up. Itachi looked at you disapprovingly for a second, believing you've given up trying but instead you started to sprint. You started to concentrate as you jumped towards the lake. Kisame looked out from the corner of his eye expecting you to fall straight in but to his and Itachi's wonder, you stayed up right. You continued to run eyes closed until you realised you're not wet, opening them you cheered with your arms straight up in the air whilst running straight for the shark man. However as you lost concentration from your excitement, your body slowly submerged in the water right in front of Kisame. He grabbed you by the back of your shirt and pulled you up, this time you managed to stay standing next to him.

"Took you long enough" Kisame teased with a smirk. "For an ordinary girl I think I did very well thank you!" You said playfully punching his arm. You skipped back towards Itachi and bent down by the waist in front of him "I did it!" you smiled a cheesy grin at him. He smiled back.

"I want you to try something" He said passing you a kunai. He stood up and turned your body, pointing at a tree ahead. "Build your chakra into the kunai and aim for that tree" You gave him a confused look but before you could ask he simple stated "When you fought Leader, you managed to put chakra into the sword which allowed you to add more force and damage. Remember? Now, Do it again" You nodded showing your fiery new will power, taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhaled out the mouth. You closed your eyes concentrating whilst imagining an invisible aura bleeding across the kunai before throwing it. Amazingly your accuracy increased and what more you damaged the tree with increasing strength than a simple kunai could. Turning your head towards Itachi you were astounded at what happened compared to yesterday's training. He placed his hand on top of your head and smiled down at you.

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