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"Go away Tobi" Not in Sasori's room clearly.

He noticed Deidara left the hideout so he snuck into his room to check his bathroom, under the bed and in the closest. Next he checked your own, Kisame and Itachi's rooms; Nothing. He stared onto Konan, Pain, Hidan and Kakuzu's room, unsure and nervous to scout theirs. Konan walked back down the hallway towards her room, "You can check but I doubt she is in mine". He quickly entered and scanned the area with no sign of you.

*Back to your POV*

You looked at Hidan after hearing doors open and close, knowing it's clearly Tobi's doing. He fanned his hand up and down as if to say 'relax'.
"If Ribs are on the line, he won't notice so act 'Kakuzu' like" he whispered.
You nodded, turning back round to face the money in hand and began to flick through the notes. You were grateful you had the mask on and your back to the door for you could not hold back your smile.

Hidan mimed 'don't move' and headed to the door after hearing shuffling footsteps halt. "What the hell are you doing Tobi, get away from my room!" You overheard the conversation keeping to the money in hand.

"T-Tobi is looking for [Y/N]-chan, have you seen her?"

"How the hell should I know? Enter my room and you'll be sacrificed to Jashin you hear me?" Hidan growled.

Tobi tried peering over Hidan's shoulder into Kakuzu's room which he just leaned out of, seeing the back of Kakuzu.
"What's Hidan senpai doing in Kakuzu's room?" You tensed up slightly at his question hoping Hidan could pull this off. "You heard Pain didn't you? We're after the 7 Tails tomorrow. Now get lost" He slammed the door closed and jumped back onto his partner's bed grinning at you. You let out a quiet sigh in relief.


Standing outside of Kakuzu's room for a few seconds he sighed thinking where to next. Realising he hasn't seen Zetsu or their Leader, he chose to find them to see if they have seen you around. He walked casually down the hallway looking behind each potted plant and listened intently for any rustling sounds to give away your position. Turning down the second corridor past the living room towards Pain's office he knocked on his door.

*Back to your POV*

By this point you were holding your mouth trying so hard not to laugh at how you got away from that near miss moment, although it wasn't long until you tensed up as fear shred through your body. Hidan's too as the door was pushed open.

The real Kakuzu walked in with a briefcase frozen at seeing Hidan in his room but most of all, seeing what looked like himself holding 'his' money. He let out a growl which made you turn to face him. His eyes widen as you pulled down your mask and smiled a wide grin with creased eyes at Kakuzu.

"What are you two doing?" he narrowed his eyes and Hidan tried so hard not to laugh at the cheesy grin you made in his partner's transformation. To see his cranky partner look as if he is cheerfully smiling was indeed a bizarre sight to see but he couldn't help it, that laugh needed to come out for that was a sight he would never experience again. You transformed back to yourself knowing you no longer can pass off as Kakuzu and quietly explained the situation. He rolled his eyes and took the money from your hands, placing it back in the briefcase Hidan opened. Clearly Hidan's laugh caught Tobi's suspicion as rapid continuous banging on the door occurred. You paled and looked around the room before crawling under the bed quickly. Kakuzu frowned and opened the door with a growl, "What"

"Is [Y/N]-chan there?"


"Hmmmm why would Hidan senpai be laughing then?"

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