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Tobi and you appeared center of Pain's office, causing him to raise an eyebrow at the pair of you "No knocking on the door this time I see.." He murmured to himself before moving a scroll aside on his desk. "Nonetheless, [Y/N] I am assigning you on a mission" Your jaw dropped an inch as you stared in shock. Tobi flicked your jaw closed and spoke up, "Don't send [Y/N]-chan on a mission all on her lonesome, Leader-sama! Tobi will keep her company!" Tobi defended, causing Pain to smirk at his words.
"Well that's good because I was planning on sending yourself and Deidara with her on his mission".

"Wow, okay...what's the mission?" you asked. Pain ushered you to take a seat. "We've been assigned to take out the elders of a small village discreetly. Deidara is accompanying you for travel purposes and Tobi will join as an escape route if necessary. But he shouldn't be needed, should he?" He stared threateningly towards you. You gulped and shook your head, "Nope, It will go as planned Leader! Though..Deidara doesn't scream..discreet to me" You said laughing lightly under your breath.

"No he doesn't, but as I have explained, it is for travel purposes. However should you 'run out of chakra' then Deidara will take over". You tried your best not to roll your eyes at Pain for putting emphasis on 'run out of chakra' however you suppose he has a point. That's all that has happened the past few times you've trained but what does he expect? It's a lot of hard work jumping into the deep end when joining the ninja way. "I understand, Thank you Leader"
"When do we leave?" Tobi queried.
"It is to be done tonight, you're dismissed". You bowed slightly, being interrupted with an 'eep' as Tobi grabbed a hold of you in a tight hug vortexing you out of the room.


"Well I suppose we better find Mazoku" Kisame sighed getting up from the bed he laid on waiting for your return. Perfect timing, Tobi brought you back to the Oasis in front of the others. "Where have you been!? Hm" Deidara moaned as he jumped from the sofa, particularly aiming his words towards Tobi who took you away. "[Y/N]-chan, Tobi and Deidara Senpai have a mission tonight, quick lets go!" Tobi said flapping his arms in the air frantically before running out of the cave, leaving a dust cloud behind him. "Well I suppose we better follow him.." you said looking back at the guys.

"What's the mission, hm?" Deidara asked. "I'm to take out the village elders of a small village with my new jutsu" You mumbled out with a mixure of nerves and contentment in your voice. You were nervous due to such a crazy task. If you're caught you're screwed but you know you have the others just in case and content because you're finally feeling more like a member now that Pain is setting you on proper missions. You met with Shiro who reversed you back to the base with the others.

"Meet you out here in 30, I need to talk to Leader, hm" Deidara instructed. You did as the blonde said, reappearing in the living quarters in your newly developed mask top with hood, Akatsuki cloak and your pouch of antidote. You even sheathed your bow upon your back as backup and some kunai in your pouch. "Forgetting something, [Y/N]?" you turned to see a shorter, scary figure behind you. A metal scorpion like tail holding a pouch towards you. Your hand shook as you slowly took the pouch, "".

Tobi laughed, "[Y/N]-chan that's Sasori in Hiruko!" You turned your body 180 degrees to face the puppet once more, observing at a distance that breaks his personal space. "Sasori...?"
He grunted in response.

"Don't mind Sasori-Danna. Its just how he works. He's on a separate mission for intel, hm" Deidara entered the room as well holding a clay bird in hand that you recognised. They headed for outside as you looked into the pouch revealing copious amounts of poison vials. You fastened these tightly to your being aside the antidote and jumped on the clay bird that Deidara brought to all of your attention. You soared into the sky alongside Tobi and in front of you was Deidara directing the way.

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