Day Off

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Awaking the next morning it was like a familiar routine you were used to, that awful heavy feeling on your chest suffocating you from your natural breath. Opening your eyes you are met by Tobi's swirl on a mask staring right at you. "Yay! you're awake! Can we play now?" you chuckled attempting to roll Tobi off your being with your lack of morning energy. "Wasn't I meant to help Sasori today?"

"That won't take all day will it!? Come onnnn, play with Tobi!" he started to poke your cheek to get an answer from you quicker.

"On one condition..." you smiled slyly causing him to lean back now unsure of your proposal. He moved off of you to the end of the bed and signalled for you to continue anyway. "Show me your face".

He looked over at you silently, "Oh come on I was kidding, it got you to move off me though didn't it? hahaha" You lifted your leg gently off the bed and limped gently towards the bathroom to get ready. Upon reopening the door to visit your room for a change of clothes you look towards your bed seeing Tobi facing the wall. You raised an eyebrow and started to walk towards him now noticing the mask in his hands.

Freezing on the spot, as much as you wanted to jump on the bed and look you remembered his words back at the cave, his face was damaged 'like yours' back then. How? you don't know but you could sense in his voice when he said it that he's self conscious so you decided to simply and gently place your hand on his shoulder letting him turn to face you instead.

"Close your eyes" he spoke quietly. Once you confirmed your eyes were closed, he turned to direct you to sit on the bed in front of him and covered your eyes with his hand,
"[Y/N]-chan promise to play with Tobi later?" you nodded at the question holding in your anticipation, lip curling with eagerness and excitement.


"Oi [Y/N] you healed or what? let's go for a damn sacrifice" Hidan burst into the room but paused when he saw you with your eyes scrunched closed on the bed by yourself. "What the hell are you doing?"
You opened your eyes to now see Hidan at your doorway and no sign of Tobi. You pouted and threw your pillow at the Jashinist, "Nothing! Now go away so I can get change!".
He threw back the pillow and yelled, "Still didn't answer my question!"

"Ugh, No! now go by yourself, it still needs more time!"
"Damn you're in a sour mood today.." Hidan mumbled under his breath.

Both of you groaned in annoyance as he slammed your door shut. You sighed out in disappointment that Hidan's outburst stopped the long awaited anticipation of seeing Tobi's face, you dropped your body backwards onto the bed only for your head to hit something hard.

Rubbing the back of your head, lifting yourself on your elbow you reached for what you knocked your head on; Tobi's mask. Your eyes widened thinking he's now somewhere without it. You sprung to your feet and limped over to change your clothes, then grabbing the mask you moved at haste towards Tobi's room. You knocked on the door to have a hand stretch out of the door way. Placing the mask in his hands you confirmed that regardless you will make sure you have time for him after being with Sasori today. You went to turn away towards the kitchen before Tobi slipped out now masked once again and carried you on his shoulders, "Where to? Tobi did say he will personally help you until you're healed!" You giggled at his consideration and pointed forwards, "To the kitchen!".

As you reached your destination you did your best to fix yourself something to eat as Tobi refused to let you down. It was a game for him and a chance to spend more time with you as he was refusing to let you go off with Sasori for he always feared he would turn you into a puppet.

Kakuzu and Hidan walked into the kitchen, seeing you attempting to make yourself a tea whilst on Tobi's shoulders, trying to bend over to reach things but swaying as your balance worked against you. Kakuzu simply did a U-turn telling himself he'll come back later instead whilst Hidan stared on leaning against the doorway watching the struggle. And it was a good thing too that he did because you tried to counteract the swaying of poor weight distribution and was on the brink of falling backwards off of Tobi. Yet he had no way of stopping it without grabbing not your ankles which could potentially hurt your shin break further. Hidan used his hands to grab your top half and help slide you down to normal height. "Perhaps get breakfast like a normal person yeah? Sheesh" you laughed but thanked Hidan regardless continuing to eat your breakfast before heading to Sasori.

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