New Orders

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You blinked a few times and looked around then pulled out your map, you looked back and forth at the building and then to the map.

" could have done this all this time?!" you yelped out, he laughed nervously scratching his neck. "Tobi can only go to places he has already been but it does drain a lot of chakra.." He panted out, clearly he was knackered now and so he should be. He transported 3 bodies including his own miles away and across sea as well. You were now outside the collection office situated on the border of the sound and hot water village.

Hooking your arms under the eliminated nin's, Tobi grabbed the legs and you both entered the premises. You both heaved the body onto the metal table up ahead awaiting for the collection office master to appear. As he did, he looked you over and Tobi. "Haven't seen you around here before, who are you?" he said pulling his hand out to collect your bingo book in order to confirm the body.

Seeing as your appearance was shrouded with a hooded cloak, mask and dark clothing, you couldn't help but joke around, "I'm Batman" you said in your deepest huskiest voice.

Tobi snickering behind his mask, grabbing where his mouth would be pretending to keep it quiet. The man rose his eyebrow at you in question, not sure whether you're serious or not. You passed him your book and fan your other hand upside down, "It was a joke, my bad. Anyway, we're here on behalf of Kakuzu"

The male narrowed his eyes at you, "How do I know you're not pulling my leg?"
Looking back at the man and then Tobi you tried your best not to sound rude but you pointed at both of your red clouds upon your uniform, "Isn't this evidence enough?" He hummed in suspicion which eventually turned to agreement, "I apologise, it's just I never expected Kakuzu to hire someone of your stature to assist him. It's strange enough that he has that Jashinist with him".

Tobi's stood a step closer to the male, leaning in towards his ear with a hand cupping around his mouth. His deep voice rippling into a threatening whisper, "Someone of her stature could kill you in an instant".
Thank Kami for your mask because you couldn't hold back that smirk on your lips, his cocky comment really sent a shiver through that man's spine. He hastily got to work, inspecting the body and then passing you the briefcase of money. "Here you are, everything is there"

Ignoring his words you still did as Kakuzu requested and began to count the money, leaning against the wall aside you.
As you got half way through counting, the man spoke quietly to himself, "You really are a subordinate of his to recount the money.." You paused tallying the total for a moment to look up at the man with a glare, he caught on that you heard and nervously broke a slight sweat upon his brow. Sending a sweet wink and him you spoke just as sweetly, "Partner, not subordinate thank you" and carried on with the money. Once you confirmed everything was there you bid your farewell and briskfully walked out of the collection office with Tobi at your side.

"Tobi is tired, can we take a break?" You more than happy agreed to this, you were tired from travelling, using your jutsu, counting the money as well as carrying that body and it was clear to you Tobi was for using his jutsu to travel this far. You decided to head back to the summons' world for ease and also...Dangos.
"So why didn't you mention before that we could have travelled a lot quicker with your jutsu?"

"Tobi gets tired doing long distances..but also, it was a good opportunity to spend time with [Y/N]-chan! We can spend a few days together on this mission!" you laughed at his theory but also found it very sweet. What's the harm though? Pain assumed you will be a few days and you've managed to finish the mission in half the time already. Also, with the money stashed away in the cave you had less fear of it being stolen or lost.

"Tobi almost forgot!"

"What is it?"

"Leader can contact us and is most likely to do for the extraction of the tailed beasts. Tobi needs to show you the hand signs so you can join us. You won't be assisting with extraction just yet as there are more than 10 of us. But Tobi thought you might want to observe for now. It can take a few days and if Tobi gets called, I don't want to leave [Y/N]-chan bored all on her lonesome!"

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