Shinigami Winds

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Why do I have a feeling Sasori is going to work me to the bone.? You thought to yourself whilst picking up one of the tops he altered. You pulled it over your head and felt the mask, it was slightly more rigid due to the added materials and you could feel the alterations underneath. Knowing that this training clearly consists on chakra work as well as your new found natures, you decided to leave your weaponry behind. It was a cold morning you so grabbed your hoodie before leaving your room and making your way to the grounds. There in the distance was the red headed figure, you joined him and greeted the puppeteer "Morning Sasori, so what have you got planned for me today?".

He turned to face you, "Are you able to mold the shape and form of your chakra?".

You nodded, "Yes, Itachi showed me Fireball Jutsu".

"And are you able to do this without the use of excessive chakra?"

"Yeah, Kisame helped me with that yesterday. I was able to practice with both fire and wind. I had some left but not enough in Kisame's eyes"
"Kisame has an abundant of chakra, of course he thinks that".

"Anyway, let's not waste any time, first show me your fire style without adding excessive chakra to the technique". You did as commanded, perfecting the hand signs for the fireball jutsu as taught by Itachi and blew out a flame of the same size as yesterday, this time without excess chakra so imagine the power behind one if you were to... He stared on at first before instructing you once more.
"Now show me a wind style technique of your choice" You turned to a tree and aimed your jutsu at your new found target, "Wind Style: Wind Blade Jutsu!" The tree cracked diagonally and fell to the ground, still attached by a few strands of split wood. The cut wasn't as smooth as expected but it did the job. "Interesting, you can pick up on these techniques quickly. In that case, here". He held out a vial to you, you collected it and looked on over at the liquid inside. "The reason I took your clothing was to apply a gas mask incase this goes wrong. I am immune to poison so this won't affect me. However, I do have an antidote on me should there be any issues".

You hesitantly gulped and tugged at your mask to make sure it was secured tightly. "What are you planning, Sasori?" you asked with confusion in your voice.
"I have a theory. The elements fire and wind combined can give complete control of gas. The fire will turn the poison into a gas. The wind will direct the flow of the toxic mist in the air. As you're suited for stealth, this is ideal for you as you can potentially take out a horde of enemies at once; silently and efficiently".

You blinked a few times taking this insane information in. "And how the hell am I meant to do that?" you bellowed in disbelief.

"Focus on the vial, throw it in the direction your target is as to avoid affecting yourself or an Akatsuki member you may be with or in fact your summons. Before it falls, expand the heat to break the glass container. Then use your wind nature to guide the substance to the target. The broken glass combined with poison will effect the enemy in a mere instant, cutting skin with the glass will increase its chances to get into the blood stream faster". You looked at the vial and thought thoroughly before starting. If you get this wrong, it could turn out awfully however it's reassuring to know Sasori planned ahead with the mask and antidote if you fail.

"Can I practice on something else first? This could be a waste of poison" Sasori sighed, it appears you had a point and it would be a waste of his time if you went through his stocks of poison so recklessly.

He picked up a stray leaf. "Throw, Burn, Guide" he instructed. With all that you learnt through studying and about 15 leaves, you eventually got there. The wind didn't travel far but that is something you can practice on later. He passed you a vial once again, "I don't like to be kept waiting, now is the time".

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