A Helping Hand

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Zetsu awaited in the spot he lost yourself, Kakuzu and Hidan until the early hours of the next morning. The trio appeared, dismissing Kioshi and Mayumi as soon as so they can travel back to base. Hidan trudged along with his box in hand and Kakuzu with his suitcase and some books from his box.
"Why couldn't we have ridden on Mazoku, I wouldn't have to carry this frickin' heavy box" Hidan moaned

"Quiet, you wanted to bring the entire thing with you so that's on you. Besides, Mazoku isn't your mount" Kakuzu retorted.

"?" you turned towards the trees with the feeling of being watched. Your fingers hovered over your sword, sheathed to your side until the rustling sounds of the grass revealed the oh so familiar fly trap.

"Zetsu! What're you doing here?" you beamed waving at him.
"Hello [Y/N], we're to bring you back to base. Pain's orders" You formed a puzzled look on your face. "Just me?" you questioned pointing at yourself. He nodded.

"What's this about?" Kakuzu asked.
"She is to report to Pain, I believe you two will be sent off on another mission. Await for Pain to contact you".

Hidan growled. "You gotta be kidding me! Ugh here, [Y/N] take this back with you would ya? I suppose without you joining us we'll be sleeping on the floors tonight, huh Kakuzu?" He moaned whilst passing you the heavy box. Kakuzu placed the books and briefcase on top of the box that you now held, you body slumped at every extra items added as your legs start to shake at the weight.

"It can't be helped. [Y/N] don't lose my money, leave it inside my room". You rolled your eyes with a "Yes sir" and a teasing wink before walking over to Zetsu with the box in hand. "See you guys soon! Be safe!" you smiled as you melted into the ground alongside Zetsu.


You reappeared in the hallways of the Akatsuki base. "Ahhh home sweet home" Zetsu took the box from you to place in front of Hidan's room as you grabbed Kakuzu's pieces to put them inside of his before heading to Pain's office.

You knocked upon the door 3 times. "Enter" Your fingertips pressed firmly on the door to open it, poking your head through first before entering fully, "Hello leader" you smiled contently at him. He looked up and pointed at the chair before him "Sit". You did as commanded and waited for him to finish writing whatever it was in front of him.

"Welcome back" He said eventually looking up at you from his work. "Thank you" you said calmly.

"Debrief to me your travels" he spoke as he sat upright in his chair looking straight at you with his piercing eyes. You tugged your mask down and explained your adventures. "I witnessed one sacrifice, Hidan had another but the man went to attack during his ritual so I intervened and killed him. We stayed in my summons' world overnight and headed for the bounty the next morning. Kakuzu had me take charge. I killed the man quickly with the aid of my summons. I openly admit I lacked in realising another enemy was behind me to then be saved by Mayumi and Kioshi. They ate him. Another form of desensitising I suppose..".

"I see, anything else?" Pain asked as he rested him chin upon his fist, listening intently. "The next evening we headed back for Kyōrō Oasis due to Hidan causing ..issues with Mazoku resulting into getting his head being bitten off..literally. Later on that day Hidan taught me how to disguise my chakra. Once morning hit that's when we met with Zetsu".

"Sounds to me your travels were eventful" You nodded to Pain's words. "Very well, I was to have you train with Kakuzu but he is needed elsewhere with Hidan. They won't be back for some time so for now, take the time off, study and train by yourself or with whoever may be available. The days are yours until Kakuzu and Hidan are to return. Our session will be delayed until I say so" You gulp, standing up to bow.

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