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You managed to get Sasuke to convince Kakashi that you're now fighting with them, in this case you were able to persuade Kakashi to send you to their sharingan's shared dimension and Shiro will lure Obito there himself. He wavered at first but you ended up telling him to join you to see for himself that you weren't up to anything stupid. You ordered Mazoku and the others to stay put for now and rest, you didn't want Madara to know of your change of heart just yet, if he knew you left your summons out in the open he would simply eliminate them in an instant and no way are you willing to risk that.


You turned to the sound of your own name, Obito kneeling with a literal hole in his chest, the sight sent shivers down your spine as you watched in shock. "Obito..." you ran to him and had no idea where to put your hands, you wanted to help him but you physically didn't know how to. Your hands shook, he took them in his own, reassuring you that he was okay. His eyes scanned you softly and worriedly until he felt another presence. He pulled out a metal rod and aimed it at Kakashi whilst pulling you behind him, about to charge. Kakashi brought out his hand which sparked with electricity. You body flickered between the two,

"STOP" you yelled.

The two were shocked to see you jump in between and both froze. Your stared sternly at Obito stating "Enough Obito..We're not fighting, not anymore".

Frankly your action of getting in front of Kakashi's lightning blade sent the pair of them into a sense of nostalgia, back when their comrade did the same, but for other purposes. They both took a step back, allowing themselves to regain their thoughts as you spoke.

"Obito, Madara has manipulated you...all this time. This dream is impossible.. we would essentially be sending ourselves and everyone else into an early grave"


"You'll be sending Shiro, the others and myself into our graves if you do this. I'm sorry Obito, I will always, always stay true to you but I can't if you kill us all.."

Your eyes started to water but you did your best to hold it back, especially knowing that Kakashi is there too. "Obito..look at me" your eyes swirled red as Obito looked on. You sent him on the same genjutsu journey Sasuke had, including your very own of yourself and Tobi getting to know one another, the times spent in your timeline together, becoming who you are now as well as the journey that gave your summons a fighting chance in their Oasis once again.

At the end of that genjutsu you added a painful illusion of you and him dying by the hands of Madara, something Sasuke and Tobirama affirmed would happen, something that might change Obito's mind if he really did love you as much as he says he does. Kakashi didn't know what to do at this point as he watched on waiting for one of you to act. He could see what you were doing, he understood clearly and could only think about thanking Sasuke right now for setting you straight. He wants to laugh really, he never expected it to be Sasuke of all people, and yet neither did you.

Obito eventually came to, you held his hands into yours and squeezed tightly, hoping, praying he would understand and following pursuit. You looked into his eyes with hope and waited. He let out a long, deep sigh, opening his eyes once more to look at you, his blank expression turned into guilt and pain as he looked into yours. He pulled you close into his arms and wrapped a hand around the back of your head, holding you close. "I cannot believe how foolish I've been.."

"It's okay, we still have time to fix this" You sighed out with relief and pressed yourself into his chest, enjoying a moment where you don't have to be on the defense due to the war.

However, a growl emitted from Obito's throat suddenly, causing you to raise an eyebrow and look up to him. He was pouting with squinted eyes ahead of him, you turned your head to see Kakashi sitting on the ground, waiting with a bored expression as he looked at you two. "What are—"

"Stupid Bakashi, you like her don't you?" Obito challenged, you sweat dropped as well as Kakashi. He raised his hands up in defense with a closed eye nervous chuckle, "Now isn't the time to talk about this, Obito. We're in the middle of a wa—" Obito send a kunai flying at Kakashi which he parried off with his own in his hand.

"Obito, come on!" you said rolling your eyes, pulling away and putting your hands on your hips.

"She's right, now isn't the time. Let's figure out what we're going to do" Kakashi spoke.

Obito grumbled nonsense under his breath, all you could decipher was the odd 'bakashi' here and there. You chuckled at his childish ways. He really was Tobi this whole time, just a different name and voice.

Kakashi stood up, "If Obito is willing to, I have an idea".

Obito crossed his arms and scoffed, "Yeah fine whatever, just stay away from [Y/N].." he mumbled. You slapped his arm playfully and laughed, "Quit it Obito! What's the idea Kakashi?"

He clears his throat, "We use Obito as bait"

"WHAT?! I knew you would betray me again, Bakashi!"

"Here me out, he'll be focused on you. I'll surprise attack and then we can have [Y/N] and her summons to attack from behind"

Obito looked at you worried, about to deny Kakashi but he spoke up, "Look, I never thought she was a fighter but she clearly is, probably stronger than we both have seen today"

"That's not the problem, Madara will see through this" Obito said concerned for your welfare.

You shrugged your shoulders, speaking nonchalantly. "It's better than not to doing anything at all. I'm game if you are" you smiled up at Obito. 

Obito smirked at you before turning to Kakashi and nodding, "Alright then, let's try this out, Bakashi!"

Kakashi deadpanned to the best of his ability with his covered face, "Still sticking to the nickname..huh"

"Come on Bakashi, let's go!" you grinned.

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