Old Friends

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"I don't get it, it's a bunch of boxes" you shrugged, now turning your gaze to the snake like man before you. You shivered and spoke aloud, "Oh man is this that Orochimaru guy Sasori was telling me about?"

"I'll take that as a compliment, but no I am Kabuto. I will be assisting.. Madara with the 4th Great Shinobi War" he spoke.

You turned to 'Madara' on your left who let out a deep aggravated sigh.

"Why do I get the feeling that Madara didn't ask for whatever this is" Kisame anxiously spoke.

'Madara' nodded, explaining it couldn't be helped and wasn't what he wanted himself at all, staring amongst the wooden crates ahead.

"So what is this exactly? You hold some storage for the Akatsuki or something?"

Kabuto laughed at your words, he imagined you were a clueless little girl unaware of the great actions he had achieved. So he chose to enlighten you, holding a symbol up to his face as the lids dropped to the ground, creating a dust cloud. You squinted to see until the dust dispersed.

"What the hell have you done.." Kisame was shocked and you were in the middle calming your increased heart rate. You weren't sure what you were feeling at all. Your heart raced at the sight, you wanted to be happy because the people you held dear to you stood in front of you and yet you were angry at the same time. They weren't meant to be this way, the fact this snake of a man stole their bodies in order to do this made you feel so angry.

As the waves of emotions slowly calmed from the storm within you, you took note and understood the situation. You've read about this, a forbidden jutsu devised by the 2nd Hokage; Tobirama Senju. It was...wrong on so many levels, you understood why it became forbidden and respected the 2nd Hokage's actions for it completely. What the hell was this Kabuto planning?
'Madara' and Zetsu once mentioned that the goal of his Eye of the Moon plan was to rekindle with loved ones, but in no way did you ever expect this. No, he mentioned earlier that this isn't what he wanted.

"You're a traitor to the Akatsuki and here you are..using the Reanimation Jutsu. What's your game, Kabuto?" Kisame spoke sternly, noticing his partner in the line.

You stared bewildered at first. It took you a while but you noticed the first in line was Nagato, the heart of Pain and Konan's friend. You wouldn't have figured it out unless Pain told you the story the day of your training. There also stood Kakuzu, Deidara, Sasori and Itachi. They were so lifeless, standing still, pale and soulless. It saddened you to see them in this state. As Kabuto began bragging about surpassing the likes of Orochimaru for doing such a thing, you mind began to wonder. You counted the corpses and questioned. Did he have a plan with these particular 5? or was he missing the others for a reason?

"What do you want, Kabuto?" you asked.

"To help in the war, of course" Kabuto said stroking at the white snake at his shoulder.

You growled at his words and wanted to refuse however you knew for a fact it wasn't your place to do this. You had to wait and listen for Madara's words. He was surprised to say the least, alike Kisame and yourself. What caused you all to become intrigued and yet also suspicious was the fact he said he had more..
The anticipation caught you and you had to ask. "Where's Hidan?"

Kabuto turned to you, "Unfortunately he was quite..difficult to get a hold of. I found the body but he was too deep to obtain every body part. Perhaps someone of your expertise could help me with that"

You gritted your teeth, "And what do you know about my 'expertise'?

Kabuto laughed mockingly, explaining that he had been a spy all his life and knew the ins and outs of everyone he wanted to and that also included you. He knew exactly who you were and that you were not from this timeline, surprising the two living Akatsuki members aside you, holding a defensive guard in front of you.

Kabuto held a hand up in a sign of that he had no intentions of harming you. But what he really wanted was Sasuke. He explained that the undead army he has would be ideal for the Great War that you were about to embark on, enabling you to have a better advantage in the fight due to your low numbers compared to the Great 5 Nations.

"Perhaps yourself and Kisame could aid me and obtain the Jashinist for me. I could bring him back to you, I know how much you would love to see him again" Kabuto hissed.

'Madara' interjected immediately until Kabuto said he had a special something up his sleeve for Madara's eyes only. A coffin grew from the ground but the lid stayed firmly closed. 'Madara' narrowed his eyes at the box, "So be it, We will join forces with you. On the condition that you will acquire Sasuke after we win the war".

He turned to tell you two to leave immediately for Hidan. You were surprised by this and wanted to understand the matter further but couldn't disobey in this situation. "Promise me that you won't revive them until we come back?" you asked turning to look over your shoulder. Kabuto nodded and relayed the spot where Hidan fell, Zetsu made the journey easier for the two of you by taking you most the way.

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