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"What is the meaning of this?!"

'Madara' had Hidan by the collar and smashed the back of his head and back into a tree, imploding the bark upon impact.

You limply got up from the ground, spitting out blood. "Kabuto's taken over, sent the swordsman to kill Kisame and now Hidan onto me"
'Madara' crushed Hidan's neck in his hand, allowing him a few seconds before his to revival as he spoke to you so nonchalantly. "So kill him"

You hissed, "It's Hidan for damn sake! ..I know he's dead, but still.."

'Madara' puts his hand on your shoulder reassuringly, "This is war..[Y/N] If you won't kill him, he'll kill you" 'Madara's' elbow sprung backwards, cracking Hidan's skull once more before he attempted to jump on the pair of you. He then noticed Kakashi up ahead, running behind you and scowled behind the mask. "Kill him quickly, I have something to attend to"

Without a moment's notice, he sped off whilst you quickly defended yourself from an oncoming attack by Hidan once more.

"Just - - do it - - already!" Hidan growled.

Within an instant you summoned Mazoku.



"DO IT!" Your tone of voice became desperate and deathly, shocking Mazoku into instantly doing as commanded.

You kept Hidan occupied whilst Shiro defended Mazoku as he dug a hole as deep as possible.

"What the hell is going on, Shiro?" Mazoku spoke through kicking up dirt with his snout.

"The undead are possessed, there's been some betrayal" He snarled angrily. For the first time in Mazoku's life, he looked saddened. He now understands the reason for the hole he is digging and feels immense guilt to do this to Hidan who, he would not say out loud but did start to enjoy his presence.

Between every punch, kick and swing of your daggers you began to apologise profusely to Hidan for what you're about to do. He understood fully as it worked so well the first time, sighing and accepting the wretched fate of being buried alive. His limbs denied any wishes he had to stop the battle but that didn't stop him from calling to you to tell you to duck or jump out the way whenever he was able to fight back faintly against Kabuto's effects.

When the time was right you broke the rope that tied Hidan and his scythe together, taking it on your back for yourself. You kicked his knee caps in order to break them, taking this opportunity to tear off his legs and arms, throwing them into the pit. Finally, you stood on his shoulders, taking his cheeks in your hands, giving him one last final sadden look and a farewell.

He smiled and said, "Y'know I'm real proud of you, I'm glad we met. You made the Akatsuki a whole fuck load of fun. Now go make some hell [Y/N]" His words made you hesitate, not expecting the loud mouth of the Akatsuki to say something so sweet but he urged you to do this. You tore his head off from his neck and threw them into the pit as Mazoku and Shiro buried him.

You watched on bidding a farewell, shedding a tear for him. It didn't last long however. You saw 'Madara' fighting Kakashi and Guy in the distance and knew you had to assist. Pulling chakra into your feet once more you dashed ahead, "Ninja Art: Blazing Hurricane!" Both Kakashi and Guy dodged in a mere instant as they saw the fiery hell head towards them, burning the grass and trees along the way. You stood by 'Madara' and he spoke, "Come, it's only just begun".

He held you in his arms tightly and warped you away. You noticed you were in a bizarre cubic void, silence took over this dark world. Obito took his mask off and hugged you tightly once more, placing a kiss on your forehead. "Are you alright?" he asked softly.

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