New Skills

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Sasori was absolutely right. There you were before the sun rays could even hit the freshly dew grass perched comfortably as you were seated in the middle of the grounds practicing your chakra control. But that wasn't just it, you continued to practice the shadow clone jutsu, transformation jutsu and the body flicker technique. How you didn't wake anyone up with your cheers of surprise when you mastered them better than you could have imagined you don't know.

"You really should preserve your chakra you know otherwise you'll have nothing left to work with when Itachi trains with you" Konan greeted. You opened one eye from your seated position on a branch in one of the trees, "Dammit I suppose you're right". You pouted, jumping down from the tree to meet with your friend.

"You're up early Konan"

"Yes, I wanted to stop you from wasting all your chakra" she said pinching your cheeks giggling. You pulled her hands away and rubbed your cheeks "Im sorry you're just so cute~" you blushed slightly at the comment "I-I am not" you stammered out. She giggled at you again, "look at you trying to be all grown up like the boys~" You rolled up your non existent sleeves of your sleeveless masked top with a hint of determination in your eyes, causing nerves from your co leader of the Akatsuki.

"Alright you want grown up? I'll show you grown up!" You smiled mischievously, casting hand signs. "Transformation Jutsu!" And there you stood, an 8 meter tall dark green Tyrannosaurus Rex with onyx eyes, a perfect replica of your marvellous companion; Mazoku.

Konan held her mouth in shock and amazement. She clearly was impressed with your improvement since she last saw you, all up to the part where you attempted to roar ferociously. It came out like a kitten with a sore throat. She held in her laugh as hard as she could, sputtering into her hand trying not to embarrass you but in fact you simply embarrassed yourself. "...looks like I got to work on that then" You stated with a gigantic anime sweat drop on your dinosaur head.

Konan stopped and looked towards the base, "I sense Kisame is on his way" You both looked at one another and cheekily smiled with the same idea in mind. Konan bit her lip in order to subdue the smirk she needed to hold back and waited for him to arrive.

"...Mazoku? What're you doing here? Where's [Y/N]?" You cleared your throat and put an awful impression of a deep voice on "Yes, It is I..Mazoku. [Y/N] left quickly to...get snacks" Kisame's face instantly changed to emotionless and stoic, dropping his eyelids half way for he saw right through you.

"Hi [Y/N].." You poofed back into your original form and frowned up at him "Awww what gave me away?" He just laughed ruffling your hair as Konan joined in, finding it all too amusing.
"Are you ready, [Y/N]?" You jumped out of your skin to hearing Itachi from behind you.
"Dammit Itachi, when'd you get here? He smirked at your reaction and stood in front of Konan, "Do you have any litmus paper at hand?" She nodded her head and handed him a few sheets on square paper and then he turned back to you.

"I'm going to teach you something I learnt by someone back when I was in the ANBU"

You raised your eyebrow ""

"That's not important right now, listen carefully. There are 5 basic types of chakra natures; Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water. If you're capable of doing ninjutsu, I'm curious to see whether you have an element" You hold your hands up to your face, eyes glistening in awe. "Take a piece of paper and pour your chakra into it. Depending on the outcome we can tell which is your chakra property".

You do as instructed, picking out a single piece of paper and close your eyes focusing. After a few moments your paper reacted. All three of their eyes change, a mixture of confusion and bewilderment.
"Do it again" Itachi proposed handing you another. As you repeated the task, the exact same outcome occurred. The paper didn't act in the way he or the others anticipated. The paper split into two, however within a few mere seconds it burnt to ash in your hand.

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