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"Good, you're on time" Sasori said.

"Of course! Where's Deidara?"

"Late.." you gulped at Sasori's tone lowering.

"Sorry, I'm here! Whey hey~ looking cool [Y/N] Hm" You pulled down your mask to show him your toothy grin.

"Can we go now? I don't like to be kept waiting"

Deidara pulled out some clay and held his hand up to his face, a large bird appeared to which all 3 of you jumped on, making the journey quicker for you all. You laid on your front watching the world go by below. "This place is so much cooler than back home" you said aloud to yourself. "This is your home now, not there. Hm" You rolled your eyes at Deidara's comment and sat up aside Sasori.

"So what's this place, Konohagakure?"
"It's the village hidden in the leaves. Located in the land of fire. It is considered one of the most powerful ninja villages in the area and was once the home of Itachi" You listened in awe but mocked the name "Hidden in the leaves? Sounds like someone was bad at naming villages" you laughed dryly. Deidara lowered the clay bird down within the forest and it disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"Stay right on our tail [Y/N]. Once we get in, collect all the scrolls that you feel necessary for training and we will do the same. Then bring them to me. We want to be in and out of here as quickly as possible" Sasori ordered. You nodded in agreement as you pulled your hood back up over your head. You did exactly as you were told, once you got into the building you looked around in awe at the copious of shelves all containing scrolls. You went straight to work and found a few scrolls labelled 'Beginners training'. Sasori and Deidara were up ahead looking for scrolls containing everything Pain and Itachi had listed for them. You carried on through the shelves scanning for anything that popped out to you. You focused on the word 'summonings' and were instantly intrigued.

Hearing Deidara clear his throat lightly to gain your attention at the end of an aisle he signalled that it's time to get going. You picked up the first scroll you could from the collection and pitter pattered to the duo with your handful of scrolls. You passed them to Sasori who collected all of them together within another larger scroll. You watched in interest thinking to yourself that you need to ask him how he did that for future reference. Imagine carrying all your supplies in a scroll rather than carrying everything at once on your back. Deidara grabbed a hold of your hand and left to the rooftop, summoning his clay bird once more. You hopped on with the two partners and fled the scene swiftly. Once you were high up enough to go unnoticed you pulled your mask down letting out a loud breath.

"How does Kakuzu do it? You can hardly breathe with this thing on"

"You'll get used to it. Well, you have to" Sasori responded.

"That mission was too easy, hm"

"And so it should be, [Y/N] shouldn't be on any other mission until she can train more" You pouted at his words although you knew he was right, at least Pain let you go on one for now you thought. Once landing safely on the ground you skipped ahead to open the door letting Deidara and Sasori in. You cheerily sung "We're baaaaack ~" as you bounded into the living room realising everyone was there waiting for your arrival, including Pain.

"I take it the mission was a success?" Pain directed his words towards Sasori who nodded in response and then went to drop off the scrolls into your room. Deidara and you sat with the others. You pulled your hood down and rolled your mask off your face once again. "Did [Y/N]-chan get everything she needed?" You leaned your head on Tobi's shoulder "I think so, there were so many scrolls to choose from so I grabbed as many as I could carry" Deidara looked over the list he was given before starting the mission "Sasori and I were able to collect everything on the list as well so [Y/N] will have plenty to get on with for weeks,hm"

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