Capture the Flag

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The next morning you awoke to this awful, heavy feeling on your chest. You tried to inhale but you felt as if something was obstructing your natural breathing. You managed to gasp out a breath, opening your eyes to see a glow of amber colouring. "Good Morning [Y/N]-chan~~" Tobi was sat on your chest bent to have his mask right up against your nose. You pushed him off and gasped for air.

"What's with the wake up call, Tobi?" you said holding your chest rubbing your eyes.

"[Y/N]-chan needs to get up to go training!"

"What time is it?" you yawned shuffling your body to the edge of the bed.


You deadpanned looking at Tobi, "Why so early..."

He started to chuckle at your reaction and speedily pats your head, "So [Y/N]-chan can spend alllllllll day with Tobi!"

You expression changed, "I'm training with you today?" you said pointing at yourself and then at him. He nodded so quickly that he caused himself to become dizzy. Your mouth pulled into a large grin as you pushed Tobi out your room to get ready. "I'll be out in 15!"

You put on your 3/4 sleeve training gear and ran out your room to grab a slice of toast quickly and then out to the grounds with it hanging out your mouth. You ran to the spot that you saw Tobi at.
"Hey Hey Hey [Y/N]-chan! Are you ready to play?"

You finished your toast, "Play? I thought we were training"
"This game is like training! Tobi calls it, Capture the flag! But instead of a flag, it's that tree over there" He points to the farthest tree of the training grounds. "Once you get to that tree, we will have some candy!" you narrowed your eyes at him and then towards the tree.

"Well that seems...easy" you murmured to yourself.

"Oh dear, we are underestimating the game?" Tobi said leaning closer to you. You laughed lightly as he dragged you to the opposite side of the grounds.
"Ready?" Tobi said with a hand up in the air like a gun.
"Ready!" you nodded while putting yourself into a running stance, hopping back and forth from one foot to the other.
"Pew!" He pulled the finger gun trigger and vanished using Kamui. You rose an eyebrow thinking I don't get this but I'll play along.. Running at full sprint for the tree ahead, you got about 500 yards until Tobi bounced out of the ground with a stick and flicked you on the forehead with it.

Ahhh I get it, he's using his Whack a Mole 'Jutsu'.

As he disappeared once more so you carried on ahead, this time dodging with a spin to the right as he bounded out the ground once more.

"[Y/N]-chan is getting better at this!" you hear him call but can no longer see him around so you continue forward again. This time he gets you again, again and again. You rub your forehead as the area he kept flicking gets red and sore.
"Right..thats it, Summoning Jutsu!" You bite your thumb and slam your palm on the ground. Kioshi and Mayumi appear "Is everything alright? It's so early dear" Mayumi said.

"I'm training with Tobi today, the goal is to get to that tree" You point on over at the destination whilst Kioshi turns back to you, "Seems...tame enough".

Chucking you say, "I thought so'll see why it's not, now go!" They run off on either side of you, this was when Tobi emerged from the ground once more.

" *Gasp* Well hello there, there and there" You jump over Tobi's half protruded body whilst your summons fan around him. You're another few meters ahead now, about 1/4 of the way. You've never realised until now how large the grounds actually were. Deciding to now hit the trees whilst Kioshi and Mayumi swerved below, you could only hope that this would confuse Tobi and give him a bit of a struggle. Wrong. He protruded from the trees too. You started to believe there was truly no escape from him.

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