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"And who is this?"

Obito stood firmly with you at his side, "This is [Y/N] [L/N], Descendant of [L/N] and Uchiha clan. She has devoted herself to fight for our dream".

Madara stared attentively into your eyes, the sheer dominance and power behind his look set your Mangekou shining bright into his as a defense mechanism. A smirk protuded onto his face and he stepped closer to you, Obito shielded yourself with his body by putting himself in between the two of you protectively. "Now Obito..is that any way to act? After all..she belongs to my family"

Both Obito and you looked at one another in question, "and what exactly does that mean?" Obito inquired.

Madara moved him aside and crouched slightly to your height, his stare boring into your eyes. All you could do was the same without blinking. To blink felt like defeat at this moment. This man...he's far more intense than I ever imagined

"Are you saying you're the Uchiha who protected one of my ancestors from the [Y/N] clan? during the Kyōrō war?"

He hmphed before responding, "Not me but my brother, Izuna. Your devotion reminds me of his. The way you hold yourself, you're without a doubt related to him". He took a faint grip onto your chin, tilting at different angles to look at you clearly.

"Izuna Uchiha?" You tried tilting your head at him as he observed you. You began to recall the studies you took during training with the Akatsuki, "..the one Tobirama Senju killed.. Thats right! and you...you have his eyes now.." Upon realising this you watched as Madara's eyes changed to the Eternal Mangekou Sharingan, showing you his personal imprint upon his eyes, which blended subtly with Izuna's, the 3 black bars that panned out from his pupil.

"Just how old are you?" He wondered, "Technically 25..but here...I'm actually from another timeline..hundreds of years in the future"
Those words of yours sparked his interest, "And the faint bloodline of the famous Uchiha Clan managed to stay prominent all this time...I might say, I am very impressed. But how does your ability to fight favour?"

Obito cut in again removing Madara from your eyeline, pushing in between which caused Madara to frown as he brought himself up straight, crossing his arms. "She was trained in stealth but over the years she has gained a great offence, you'll have to see for yourself".


"What the hell are they doing up there, just talking? Don't they know we're in the middle of a war?" Naruto angrily shot out.
"Quiet Naruto, we don't know when they're going to strike.. keep your eyes peeled" Kakashi stood firmly aside his student. Obito...[Y/N] just..what's happened to you?

Naruto ignored his sensei and stood tall, yelling a little louder to gain the attention of the 3 Uchiha ahead of him. "Kakashi-sensei told us about you [Y/N]!! You were kind and innocent in his eyes, never did he expect someone like you to be on the wrong side of things! Do you even realise who you're standing next to?! That man is trying to take over the Shinobi world!" His fists dropped to his sides, fist curled where they shook with anger.

Madara and Obito turned to face you as you watched Naruto pour his heart out to you, actually never meeting him, only once recalling him running after Kakashi that one day you visited the village for supplies.

"You met Kakashi again?" Obito's words seemed judging, "Relax, I was picking up supplies for Shiro and I before Deidara's death.."

Madara cut in, "It appears they're after you, why don't you show me exactly what my brother has passed down to you?"

You turned and nodded with a menacing smirk on your lips, "Obito, is it ready?" He nodded to your words, "Good, you'll know when It's time".

You stepped forward in front of the other two, towering over the shinobi below as you stand on the edge of the statue's head. Beginning your speech, you took in a deep breath allowing your voice to echo the lands, "Is anyone truly innocent? Look at you all, any one of you could have denied your sensei's, any one of you could have said no to something that wasn't humane. You stole the lives of my family; the Akastuki. This world has become corrupt! Kakashi, your student killed Sasori, you even killed Kakuzu with Naruto's aid..Sasuke even killed his own brother, his own blood! A UCHIHA! None of this sits right.. So I will stand firmly side by side with whats left of my family. We are humans aren't we? So..WHY do you act like BEASTS!? Because of this ridiculous shinobi system, it has created a vicious cycle of hell. I don't need to relay Pain's speech to you Naruto.. "

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