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"I don't understand you said you wanted to bathe-"

Hidan burst in the room, "Ready!"

You laughed at the Jashinist who stood there proudly in swim shorts. "What are you doing" Kakuzu dryly spoke.
"Getting ready to go! Kisame told me what he did there and someone's gotta help her. I was the only fucking smart one who brought all my stuff here". Tobi, Zetsu and Kisame joined the room. You sweat dropped at the amount of people that ended up wanting to go,

"Yeah...we're gonna have to go outside I don't think any of the summons will fit in here" you laughed realising how small your room was when you're accompanied by 5 others. Kakuzu helped you up and took you towards the living room where it was much bigger.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Kioshi and Mayumi appeared before you, "Oh [Y/N], Shiro told us everything! Your beautiful face! Are you alright?" Mayumi instantly worried about you whilst Kioshi stoically growled under his breath disappointed he wasn't able to help you. You rubbed your cheek lightly, "Don't worry Mayumi it should heal, at least I don't have a black eye anymore!" you spoke optimistically.

"Yeah..instead it's purple...What do you need, [Y/N]?" Kioshi asked.

"Well we wanted to stop by the Oasis if thats okay?" They nodded and reverse summoned you all to the Oasis right outside the cave. Zetsu walked off to continue with his work whilst the rest of you headed into the cave. Hidan dragged out the boxes for everyone including yours. Kakuzu placed you down on the bed and threw you the bits you asked for to change whilst the others did the same. Mayumi and Kioshi walked in, "What are you all doing?" Kioshi asked tilting his head.
"We're going to the lake so I can actually wash all this dried blood and grime after days of being bed ridden" you said as you pulled Hidan's top over your bathing suit.
"Can you walk?" Mayumi asked with concern in her voice. "Kinda yeah but I'm still really weak. It just really aches after a while and the more I move the more painful it gets".

"Tobi is ready!~" you turned and burst into a laugh at the sight. Tobi was in pretty much a full body wetsuit and had an inflatable dinosaur themed ring float around his body. "You are too cute Tobi" you said between giggles as he rushed off to the lake.

Kakuzu removed his mask and went to pick you up again. The two summons lead the way. As you reached your destination you saw Mazoku up ahead with Tobi holding onto his tail being dragged through the waters.

"No fuckin' way..." Hidan was surprised to see the sight before him.
"This was created whilst we were on our mission?" Kakuzu asked looking out at how large the lake actually was compared to the one at the training grounds.
"Yup! Kisame filled the dried out lake and Zetsu is working on expanding the Oasis" You smiled fondly out to your happy T Rex.

"Kakuzu, allow us to assist [Y/N]. We weren't there to help her so now we want to do what we can" He nodded and gently placed you down, Mayumi and Kioshi stood on either side of you as you draped your arms around their necks and slowly walked into the lake. Kisame headed into the waters as well aiming for Mazoku and Tobi.

"Is that [Y/N]?" Hidan and Kakuzu turned to the voice, seeing Aiya, Raidon and Shiro enter the area. Raidon and Aiya entered the waters to greet you. Shiro stood by the zombie two and spoke, "Who saved her from her captors that day?" Hidan raised an eyebrow at the raptor.
"Us" he responded.

Shiro turned to the two, "Thank you, we are in your debt". The two looked at each other but before having a chance to respond, Shiro continued, "However the next time we are summoned, we will not be leaving her side to put one of you before her, this is the last time she will be hurt like this" he sneered. The duo nodded in agreement.

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