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The next morning you heard a light knock on your door, to your best ability to open your eyes but your body just wouldn't agree with you so you let your mind slip believing the knock was a part of your imagination. Shiro's head wrapped around, moving up to your neck and nuzzled in tightly as he was peacefully enjoying his sleep as well. The door slightly opened, allowing a light beam to bleed into the room. A loud gasp was heard and fluttering of paper in the air. You sat up right, nudging Shiro down so you could see.

"Oh thank Kami!" you shielded your eyes from the blinding light. "What's the matter, Konan?" you yawned out.
"I'm sorry, I saw your legs but the creature's body covered your head so I assumed the worst!" you laughed and looked over at the now cranky half asleep Shiro. His clouded eye was on show making him look more menacing. "Oh I suppose you haven't actually met Shiro yet have you? He's the leader of the pack; Alpha to Mayumi and Kioshi the two you met on the training grounds a while back". She hummed in response and bowed apologising to Shiro.

He huffed out a long sigh before shifting his head under your blanket to shield himself from the corridor's light as he went back to sleep. "You okay Konan? Welcome back by the way" you whispered for Shiro's sake. "Thank you, I just wanted to see how you're doing but the fact that you're standing by yourself means you're improving" you smiled at her words and nodding, "Yup slowly but surely I'll get there!".
"Alright then, I will leave you two and see you later?" You nodded to your friend as she left the room, closing the door behind her.
"Finally, come back now. I was comfortable" You heard a mumble from your bed, snickering at his response you crawled back in along with one of the books Kakuzu left you.


Through your recovery period you spent the days doing the same thing over and over. Wake, eat, exercise/train then be scolded for doing so. Eat, nap, summon the raptors for training with the Akatsuki members; in particular Hidan and Kisame, eat, study and sleep. As to Pain's instructions the Akatsuki were to stay low in order to keep the leaf and other villages guessing on their next move. What they didn't know that soon they were to start the collection of the Jinchuriki; not until Phase 1 was complete however. The members went solo or into their partnerships one by one to proceed with bounties in a tactful manner, much to Hidan's dismay.

You were slowly becoming agitated over time as you were bound to stay indoors through your recovery but also because of the overprotective members of the organisation. They knew you were strong, they have evidence of this too but that didn't stop them. Everytime you would request training with a member, they denied you. You were incredibly persistent towards Kakuzu, it was your time with him after all. Pain said so himself a few weeks back.

"I understand you want to prove yourself but no. You're not ready" Kakuzu retorted not taking his eyes away from counting his money.

"It's been 2 weeks! Sasori and you said so yourself that I can train once I'm healed, look!" You lifted up Kakuzu's hoodie that you were wearing to show the stitches on your abdomen. He broke his concentration from counting and glared at you. "I'm not risking it".

"But -"

"Enough!" He interrupted and stood in front of you looking down at you angrily. "Stop fighting me. It's not going to happen".

You held in your rage as your chakra pulsated through you, creating that oh so familiar orange chakra with a black outline. Hidan turned from his seat, "Just let her wear herself out. You don't have to hit back, right?".

"Then why don't you do it?" Kakuzu snapped at the Jashinist. You walked off into your room and changed into your masked top, and attached your pouches to your hip. Grabbing your bow and arrow you left and banged upon Sasori's room.

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