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Dawn hit as you sat waiting outside the base, perching yourself on a rock aside the entrance awaiting for your temporary partners. The ground was trickled with little droplets form he morning's dew, the air was brisk and clear. The day was truly a wondrous one to start your long precious journey on with the other two. Not too cold, not too hot. You were up and ready way before you were asked to be which gave you the opportunity to experience this glorious view of the forest up ahead. All you felt this morning was so much excitement to get out but also a few nerves, you hardly slept wondering what insane adventure you're about to embark on.

"You're early" Kakuzu appeared with Hidan by his side.
"Couldn't sleep, too excited..and nervous.."
"Where's your stuff?" Hidan questioned as he began to examine your back, only seeing your bow and quiver.

You pulled your mask down and sent him a smirk whilst raising your eyebrows, "It's all taken care of! You'll see!"

Kakuzu simply nodded not too phased by this and started walking south. Following closely behind alongside Hidan you brought up the mission's objective, "So...desensitising eh?" You nudged the Jashinist in the arm. He simply raised one eyebrow at you whilst scratching his cheek, yawning.

"Now is the perfect time to tell me about Jashinism" His eyes widen with the most genuine smile you've ever seen on the man's face. You hear a grumbled out sigh from Kakuzu as he starts to pick up his pace in order to avoid listening to the rants of his partner unfurl. After all, he couldn't stop you from asking. It would make sense for you to understand his religion now that you're on a quest with him to 'sacrifice' and what more is now that you're a part of the Akatsuki, you're going to have to get used to Hidan's fighting style and preferences now he isn't locked down and limited like he was before.

"I'm so frickin' glad you asked [Y/N]! Jashinism is the way to go for sure! My Lord only asks for two simple easy things; death and destruction. You can kill people and you won't be punished, in fact it just pleases Lord Jashin more! In addition to my immortality, I was granted my curse technique by Jashin himself! It's the best thing ever to feel the pain of my sacrifices as they slip into death". His words trail at the end of his sentence as he began to recall the feeling, letting his eyes start to roll into the back of his head.

Luckily your mask covered the look of shock on your face. "So you really are sadistic..huh" you responded. Hidan didn't even hear your comment as he was too enriched with the thought of sacrificing. Though he snapped out of it quickly with a wonderful idea in mind, "So are you interested in joining the way of Jashin then [Y/N]?"

The question caught you off guard, there' no way in hell you could even consider something like this. You love Hidan dearly but..each to their own..right? You flicked your eyes to survey the area in hopes of an escape from this conversation, regretting even bringing it up. Luckily, you saw Kakuzu up ahead, not too far away, "Oh what's that Kakuzu?? C-Coming!" you skip ahead to the masked man's side as he does his best not to laugh anymore at his partners failed attempts.

"Not a fan?" Kakuzu said eyeing you from the corner of his eye.

"The scythe's cool but that's pretty much it for me" you laugh nervously as you looked back to Hidan whilst he prayed, holding onto his necklace.
"So I'm to...what..just observe his ritual until I don't wanna throw up or what?"

Kakuzu scoffed, "The ritual is long and pointless. I suppose Leader's idea is to make you watch his jutsu until its bearable. It's less dangerous to do it this way than to throw you head first into war.." you hummed in response wondering how these next few days will pan out.


You've been walking for the past 4 hours now and slowly started to drag your feet behind the other two.

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