The Oasis

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You open your scrunched up eyes slowly one by one, looking around seeing that you are no longer in your room or even in the Akatsuki hideout.

".. It worked..?"

Scanning the area you realised this world was dark, dingy and beige in colour; depressing and deserted really. Looking around you even questioned if anything would be alive in this bleak world. Deciding to venture on, you start walking until you came across any sign of life, be it human, animal, tree or a simple leaf. You eventually spotted a dense amount of greenery ahead in the horizon and jogged towards it believing what you wanted to find would be there. Each step you took closer to the small greenery, it grew to a sufficient larger size than you expected. The trees towered higher than you could imagine, everything seemed enormous to you. How could this be? Not long ago you were stranded in the middle of a dusty desert questioning if anything could possibly live in these circumstances. After about a hours trek you were grateful to come across this beautiful small forest. Well, it's only considered small for the fact that this acre of land is surrounded by literally nothing. The contents of it however, was from a whole new world. You looked around in excitement at the beauty surrounding you. You wondered how to do about this but then decided to sit down and focus your chakra. It's my first time but maybe I can sense if there is anyone's presence nearby?

Nothing. You pouted before standing up.

"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?" you yelled on the top of your lungs circling the area. Rustling was heard from the shrubbery near by and without a moment's hesitation you hovered your hand on top of the kunai in your pouch in defence, just in case.

"Foolish girl" you heard.
"What imbecile would think to make their presence known among us?" Another voice spoke
"She looks young, do you think she's lost?"
"How does a human get lost here?"
"Who cares, she's our meal now" by that comment you grabbed your kunai and held your stance.

"Reveal yourself! Only cowards would hide in the bushes" In a flash they appeared and to your bewilderment you were surrounded, each corner contained a creature. A pack. You felt them slowly close in on you.

"We don't cower in the bushes, we hunt". You stared on, circling looking at each individual one.

"This is incredible..." you mumbled to yourself. You held your hands up in a sign of surrender, lowering the kunai slowly to the ground, "I don't want to fight. I just want to talk" Two of the creatures stopped in their tracks. Looking at the others to say halt. "Talk?"

"Yes!" you beamed with a bit more excitement than you predicted.

They looked at one another in confusement towards your actions, they wouldn't have expected someone to have acted this way when seeing them for the first time. The one who you assumed was the leader spoke up "Hurry up before we change our minds" A smile grew on your mouth and you jumped up and down in excitement. "I can't believe this! You're real! You're alive! You're actually in front of me!" They watched on as you acted out like a child on christmas day.

"What are you trying to say?" one questioned.

"Where I am from, you're extinct. I've read about your kind countlessly but to be in front of you is like a dream! Real Velociraptors!!" The alpha cocked its head to the side slightly.

"Oh sorry let me explain. My name is [Y/N] Nice to meet you all" You bowed to each and every member before going on the longest rant ever, explaining your story. Of how you're from another time in the future, meeting the Akatsuki, travelling and now living in this time, training to become a ninja to work alongside them and how you came to their world.

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