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"Do your best [Y/N]" White Zetsu spoke quietly in your ear as he finished wrapping you up in his being. You inhaled slowly and deeply before exhaling out all the stress and nerves. Pain stoically stayed still a few feet from you, "Come" he spoke strongly.

You charge towards Pain and threw the hardest punch you could, he dodged with mere ease as he slightly tilted his head to the left, you used this cockiness against him and lift your legs up into a high kick as you threw your body weight all into the force. As you sprung your legs to kick him away, he grabbed a hold of an ankle swinging you with great ease behind himself. However you were quick to bend your leg at the knee in order to cup the back of your other leg around his head, bringing him down with you using the force he used to throw you. You spring at haste to your feet, hearing white zetsu "quick thinking".

You try not to let the compliment get to your head but by the time you looked up he was about to kick you back. You ducked, jumping back up as you held onto his calf bringing it higher with you, going to swing a kick into the side of his head. He casually blocks your leg with the back of his hand before ripping his leg back in order to attack again. You sparred continuously for about an hour, never actually managing to cause a scrape or a graze upon his pale skin.

Everytime you got close he was seconds quicker than you. The power of you and Zetsu combined surely helped you spar at almost equal levels, without him you would be on the floor unconscious by now.


"I had expected you would give up by now" Pain spoke up. "And what good would that do for a training session with the strongest Akatsuki member?" you retorted back, panting still trying to keep up to your best ability. Poor Zetsu had a beating as your armour but its what he expected for this. Pain stopped in his movements, also causing you to abruptly stop yourself.

"You have come a long way, [Y/N]. However it is time to shred Zetsu and battle me as your own. This time give me all you've got". Zetsu bled from your being and moulded into the ground towards Black Zetsu in order to revert to his original form. He let out a long winded sigh, "Phew, that was intense, quiet it's only starting".

You pulled your mask up to your face, tapping your weapons to give yourself reassurance that they're all there. Pain noticed that Mazoku was twitching in angst to fight, as were the others. He smirked and brought all the paths of Pain to join him. Your eyes widen at the sight. 6 Pains in front of you, all resembling similar attributes alike the hair colour and piercings. "Not all of us a necessary for this training. But I do wish to see your summons battle amongst one of us". You tilted your head slightly, looking at all the characters in front of you one by one, "Only one? Which?".

The one with long orange hair in a ponytail with winged black eyeliner stepped forward, without moving a finger he summons a Giant Rhino. You looked in awe at its appearance, it was no doubt this summon was Pain's for it bore the rinnegan and piercings too. Mazoku took this summon as a sign for him to join the battle and appeared behind you in no time.

Another summon was called upon, a giant drilled beak bird. The look of this bird instantly brought your other summons to their feet presenting themselves in a line in front of you as a form of protection. The animal path went forth with his summons to the other side of the area in order to train with your dinosaurs, aside the Deva Path; known as the original pain, the rest went to the sidelines. "Now, give it your all" Pain spoke so casually.

The battle was tedious, long and dangerous. You were absolutely no match to Pain. Each time you got close he would brush you away with his almighty push. You could never lay a scratch on him with wind or fire jutsu due to his Greta Path standing as protection for Pain, absorbing the chakra and ninjutsu. However one move certainly surprised Pain about you. Although he was aware of this move, he knew it was no match for him.

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