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It was a lovely day, the sun was shining high in the sky and not a cloud in sight. You took the dirt path and enjoyed the quiet scenery. It was nothing compared to Kyōrō Oasis but it was better than anything compared to your original timeline. No roads, traffic, pollution; just calm, crisp, clean air and nature.

"Pick up the pace [Y/N], It's a long walk and we don't want it to get dark". You heard the voice from the trees above you, you chose not to look incase anyone was watching. You had to act as if you're alone so you whispered out, "I'll be fine just let me enjoy this. It's been ages since I've been outside". Although you denied his request with your words, you did pick up your pace slightly as the wind started to cool. After an hours walk to eventually come up to the a nearing village, you worked your way around the market, collecting all the products you wanted to make dinner for the group also grabbing some of the general necessities as well.

Oops, can't forget the best bit.

You carried on walking through the crowds at the market, scanning for the nearest Dango shop. You smiled sweetly at the store owner once they greeted you through the door, "Welcome, I haven't seen you around before" He spoke.
"Ah yes well..I'm new here" you softly said.
"Well what can I get you?" You looked at the menu and requested a variety of Dangos to go.

"My what an appetite" he chuckled as he took your coin.
"As much as I would love to have all these to myself, they are for my family" you spoke as generally as possible. He nodded and took to preparing your order. You thanked the man as he passed you the wrapped box, enclosing the sweet treats for Itachi.

You headed out of the shop and moved along down the streets, "Leave now"

You flinched at the whisper near your ear but knowing exactly who it was.

"Why?" you mumbled so no one else heard through the crowd. He didn't respond, probably because of the dense area, so you chose to do as he said and left the village towards the base. You took the same route back, turning behind you to look around your radius before speaking up again, "Why did I have to leave Zetsu?" you pouted.

"Leaf ninja are near, you should be fine as you're in disguise but try to keep to yourself" Zetsu was never seen as he spoke, you even tried looking around this time for him.

No wonder why he's the go to for intel missions.. definitely a sneaky one.

You picked up the pace to your best ability as your hands filled with bags weighing you down. "What I would give to have Mazoku carry my bags for me" you spoke to yourself chuckling at the thought of his tiny arms carrying your bags and you on his back.

"Who is Mazoku?" A voice spoke from behind you. You jumped and turned round incredibly quickly to see a male looking down at you.

"" you stuttered out thinking of what lie to say. You've been an ordinary girl for years, now a ninja and to pretend you're ordinary again is actually deeming quite difficult, also you're a terrible liar. "I see, you're walking quite fast. Are you in a hurry? Allow me to help". Before you can deny his request he's already taken the bags off you. You mumbled out a thank you quietly which he sends you a soft closed eyed smile, making you faintly blush.

This guys is really cute...

"What's your name?" he asked. You paused thinking it would be stupid to give your real name right now.
"...Yui" making something up with the quickest name you could think of.

"What a beautiful name, my name is Kakashi". You smiled up at the man.
"Ah..thank you..Kakashi".

That headband looks so familiar.. where have I seen it before..?

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