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Akatsuki Hideout

"[Y/N]-chan are you okay?"




Zetsu walked down the hall watching Tobi plea at your door, scratching away as if he is a puppy trapped waiting for their owner to come home. He looked up to Zetsu pointing at the door "[Y/N]-chan is ignoring me.." he started to sniffle. Zetsu bled into the ground and into your room. You were no where to be seen so he unlocked the door from the other side to show Tobi that the room is empty. He gasped loudly whilst running into the living room area, yelling "[Y/N]-chan ran awwaaaaayyyyyyy!!!~"

These words sent an awful guilt through Itachi as he headed to your room at a quicker pace than the other members expected from him as he began looking around for evidence. The others followed shortly after, including a lightly fried Hidan who is healing quickly but still showing some damage.

"We screwed up didn't we..." Hidan said lowly.

It was at that moment that a puff of smoke emerged in the room with you centered. "[Y/N]-chan!!" Tobi jumped on you and held you tightly, "Tobi thought you ran awayyyyyy" you giggled prying him off you.

"Now why would I do that Tobi?" The others sighed in relief to see that you didn't in fact run away. However Itachi moved closer to observe you "You're injured and ..soaked? What happened?" his voice was laced with concern as Kisame tossed him a towel from your bathroom to pat your hair dry.

"Yeah explain this experiment, did it work or did I get fried for nothing?" Hidan blurted.
"That's right! I need to see Pain!" You pushed through the lot and jogged to Pain's office, placing the towel around your neck.
"Hey! Don't ignore us!! Hey.! ..[Y/N]!" Hidan trudged after you and the others followed. Itachi body flickered in front of you, catching you by surprise, "Explain to us why you're soaking wet and bleeding"

"There was a heavy storm and It's okay, It's just a scratch and some of this blood isn't even mine"

Tobi started looking around the ceiling of the room, as if it would give him answers.

"Its been sunny all day, there is/was no storm..." Sasori replied.
"Let me go report to Pain and you will see, trust me" You beamed a smile at them as a form of reassurance, the excitement protruded all over your face. The fact that the fear and horror expression you had earlier is no longer existing on your face brought Kakuzu, Hidan and Itachi to a more understanding state. Itachi moved aside as you knocked on Pain's door before entering.

"Hello leader, I have something to report to you" He looked over amused at you and your appearance. You explained the reasoning behind needing Itachi, Kakuzu and Hidan's assistance which only peeked his interest further.

"And were you successful?"

"Yup!" you said smiling a toothy grin. He smirked at you before responding "That's impressive for someone who hasn't been trained in anything other than basic chakra control and taijutsu".
"I thought so too!" you sighed in exhaustion "Staying up all night studying really paid off"
"So...what is it that you signed a contract with?" He asked curiously, standing up.

"Would you like to meet them, Leader?" You said holding onto the door handle. You opened the door to Tobi, Deidara and Hidan falling onto the ground after their poor attempt at eavesdropping. You sweat dropped and stepped over them. Pain and the others followed you out of the room and towards the training grounds. After a few hand signs you used the blood from your forearm to dampen your fingers before shouting "Summoning Justu!" All of their eyes widened apart from Pain.

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