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Pain was persistent that your sharingan needs to reach its full maturity as soon as possible. Due to this, he allowed Kisame to stay alongside Itachi and even Tobi too. Tobi kept trying to make it into a game however he did have some great ideas, of course he would right? He too possessed the sharingan but this was unknown to the Akatsuki; aside Itachi who believed he was truly Madara Uchiha, including Pain and Konan.

Before Deidara's departure, Tobi requested he left behind some explosive for his plans. Tobi created a minefield in the training grounds and used Kisame and Itachi as the start and finish points. Your goal was to the use the sharingan in order to find your way to Itachi at the end of the course, safely. The test was repeated about 3 times, each time getting more and more difficult, either with more explosives or buried deeper in order to hide them.
As supportive as he has been, he decided to sit on the sidelines yelling comments to make you nervous and struggle, for instance:

"Careful, [Y/N]-chan. You don't want to end up with no arms like Deidara Senpai!"

"Whoa watch out!!!! Just Kidding ~"

Along with exaggerated gasps and the odd BANG!! when tensions were high.

"Tobi aren't we meant to be training her?" Kisame sweat dropped.
"Actually this is a good way of getting her accustom to seeing what the naked eye cannot" Itachi explained. "Though I do believe we should get to work".

"What do you have planned, Itachi?"

"Fight taijutsu with her"

"ME?!" Kisame was stumped, he towered you in height and strength, he always feared that a simple flick in your head would draw blood.
"It won't work with myself for I have the sharingan and Tobi is...Tobi" Itachi explained.

Kisame sighed out, "Alright but I'm going easy on you kid"
You nodded with your fists up ready with a eager smile. Red emitted through your iris', activating your sharingan. "Let the battle begin".

The idea of this task was to allow you to see how the sharingan practically makes the world around you move in slow motion, giving you a great advantage in understanding their movements, most particular dodging. Throughout this training you eventually got the hang of understanding the chakra you could now visually see, internally and externally. Each nature had a different colour to you, allowing you to have the upper hand in battle against the enemy. Having a second tomoe already allowed you to also gain access to abilities such as seeing Kisame's movements before he even acts them out.

For instance, the visual prowess allowed you to see the movement of his muscles, signalling to you which arm he would punch you with next or if he was about to move to his left to dodge your initial attack, allowing you to counter attack straight after.

You frowned as you noticed you were sweating but Kisame was calm and collected as ever. He smirked at you, "You've vastly improved but remember we don't compare in battle so you can't let that put you down".

"Yeah you're right there...but what about a Genjutsu?" you spoke cockily which instantly made Kisame avert his eyes. Itachi laughed lightly, "Master the sharingan a bit more and then we will get to that".

Sending squinted eyes and a pointing finger at Kisame you mimed up, "I will beat you one day". He didn't know how to act, it was adorable that you would think this but something tells him one day that might just happen. To be completely honest he was nervous of your intense chakra flow when you unleash your emotions but it was certain to him and the others, including yourself..that you would never use that on your friends, ever.


These few days constantly consisted of training with the use of your sharingan, in your spare time you would study up further on anything you could put your hands on. Half the time you would be in Kakuzu's room going through his books in order to understand this world better and their history. You read up on Madara Uchiha, recalling that Tobi calls himself this, yet the imagery and words speaking about him make you highly doubtful of this. Tobi has been lying to everyone about who he truly is but seems to show a side to you that he doesn't to anybody else.

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