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With an exasperated gasp, Nobu awoke from his unconsciousness as an ice cold bucket of water drench him. "Good. You're awake" Nobu looked around the dark room, seeing his hand cuffed to his leg and the other leg cuffed to the wall. There was no need to worried for the handless arm in Pain's eyes.
"Where am I ?! Where's Hidan?!" Nobu panicked out.

"And what do you want with him?"

Nobu's eyes scanned for the voice but the room was too dark. It wasn't until Pain opened his eyes, the rinnegan glowed from the other side of the room as Pain sat by the doorway, watching Nobu shake in fear at his eyes.

"Answer me"

"I will only answer to him!"

Tension raised in the air from that suffocating, damp cold room. Pain shot his hand out, calmly stating, "Almighty Push". The wall to slightly crack behind his being, his head now bleeding from the impact. "I don't believe Hidan will go easy on you. He's very upset"
Coughing out some blood he pulled at the chains again. "Why would he be angry at me? I was doing everything for Jashin after all! I wanted to make Hidan proud and get his blessing!"

"Jashin? Are you another follower?

"She was the last one I needed to start my ritual to become one, to become immortal.. just like my idol" his tone of voice curled into sadistic pleasure, disgusting Pain.
"By she do you mean the one at the hot spring?"
Nobu didn't speak, he felt he had no need to this stranger. Foolish man. He received a kick in the mouth, spitting out a tooth or two. "Speak"



"Hey! Don't batter him up too much will ya?! I need a say in this too!!"

"I-Is that?! Hidan!! Hidan it's me!!!" Nobu pleaded at the sound of his voice, sending a cringing look on Pain's face. He turned to open the door allowing Hidan in and went to sat on the seat aside the door once more.

Hidan charged over and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him right up to his face and spat, "What the fuck did you mean 'just like me' before. What's that crap got to do with me?!" Hidan head butt him in the face before he could answer, mangling his previous broken nose and watched on. Nobu manically laughed with tears in his eyes, "Sir..I only want to be like you, become immortal and please Jashin". Hidan broke each finger one by one as each word left his lips, "Don't. Speak. His. Fucking. Name".
Nobu let out cries of pain and Hidan watched carefully at his expression as he did.

"What's kidnapping Women and Children got to do with it. What's trying to rape [Y/N] got to do with it!?" Hidan stood on his leg, letting his weight slowly affect him, painfully and slowly until he felt a faint snap. "That was hardly a hairline fracture and you're crying like a damn baby. You're an abomination to Jashin".

"The children were merely for money purposes, to get me by long enough until the grand ritual, that's what the women were for"
He dragged Nobu by the hair up to his face, "Was [Y/N] supposedly a part of this ritual?"

"Of course! She was the final one I needed, they all await for their deaths now and she would have marked the final one. Ready for the mass sacrifice to please our Lord. He would have given me immortality just like you! I only wanted you to give me your blessing!"

Hidan raised his scythe above his head with pure loathing. However Pain caught his wrist before he could. Nobu laughed manically again, "You care for her don't you?! Isn't it stated to kill thy neighbour!?" His laughs echoed the room, only fury was in Hidan's magenta eyes as Pain dragged him out of the room, "Don't you dare spout words as if you understand the commandments. I'm going to kill you bastard. YOU HEAR ME!?"

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