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A pounding in your head brought you to agony, all was dark as you struggled to open your eyes but you could hear the bickering outside.

"If it weren't for you she wouldn't be in his state!"

"Me? How were we to know they were gonna ambush us! HM"

"You're lucky my partner and I were nearby otherwise she would be with the leaf village in a cell"

"Actually, she would be dead. She drank poison. Presuming to avoid interrogation"

"That damn idiot! Why would she do that!?"

"Idiot, it's [Y/N] of course she would do something that drastic to stay loyal"

The voices you heard made you furrow your eyebrows, wanting to awake yourself. You lifted your arm up to hold your forehead, hissing at the throbbing ache. A hand pulled yours back down "Don't move" You slowly opened one eye, adjusting to the light that blinded you. They got up and turned the light off to aid your sight.

"Are you alright, [Y/N]?" you could hear the worry in their voice.
"I'm fine, now that I know I'm here that is" you weakily smiled up at Konan.
"What happened?" She asked trying not to raise her voice so the men could hear. "It's...hazy.. I recall summoning Shiro to help Deidara then I did what he said and ran for Tobi to get out of there but went black. After that I remember being dragged on the ground, I was captured-" You tried to sit up, shrieking at the pain in your chest but Konan helped you back down.

The door sprung open, "[Y/N]!" You looked over being blinded once more but this time by the light bleeding from the doorway. The voice you heard that called your name yelped as he received a kick to his side by Hidan, sending him down the corridor. Kakuzu and Hidan closed the door behind them, entering your room.
"Why'd you do that Hidan?" You weakly asked.

"Because the asshole didn't protect you!" He yelled, making you flinch from the ache of your headache. Konan sent him a glare as if to say shut the hell up, "I'm going to inform Pain that you're awake, then he will contact Sasori to come back to make sure all the poison is out of you". You nodded, giving thanks as she took her leave.
Kakuzu sat on the seat aside the bed as Hidan leant against the door.

"What happened?" Kakuzu sternly asked.

"Deidara, Tobi and I were sent of a stealth mission to take out the elders of that village. I managed to do the job but was attacked in the process. I managed to poison him and persuade his teammate to leave in order to save him rather than waste time on me. I went to where Deidara and Tobi were to meet me but another of his teammates came and attacked. I summoned Shiro to help Deidara as he told me to go after Tobi and then..yeah"
He sighed, clenching his fists with rage. "Why did you drink poison, why do you even have poison?" Hidan interrupted.

You smirked, "Part of my new jutsu" He raised an eyebrow at you, before you or Hidan could talk Kakuzu firmly asked, "WHY did you drink poison?".

"When I realised I was being dragged away by one of them, I heard one say something about learning about the Akatsuki through the Yamanaka clan. I read about them in a scroll from the Hidden's Leaf library. There was no way I was going to let them use me to get to you guys". The two sighed. They didn't really know what to say, they couldn't argue with you. What happened already happened and they can't change that. They knew you were the type to be this devoted and loyal but to go to that extreme was a shocker for the two criminals who were outcasted from their own villages. Never did they expect someone would go to great lengths for them, not even them as partners would give a damn about the other. But you were different.

"What are you guys doing here anyway? Weren't you on a mission?" you asked looking between the pair. "Well I suppose you were unconscious so you have no idea. We're the ones who rescued you" Hidan said.
"Eh? What happened to the other two, are they alright?" you asked with worry in your voice.

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