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Itachi opened the entrance of the hideout allowing you in first and Kisame closely behind. Reaching the corridor ahead where you stood staring at the living room door, hearing a commotion behind it. You paused in thought, slowly removing Kisame's cloak off you and decided to pass it back to him with a quiet thank you before then turning down the hallway towards your room, Itachi and Kisame taking note of this.. it was clear you wanted to be left alone. They watched on as you silently walked into your room closing the door behind you, hearing the click of the lock.

"I'm going to go shower, do you mind debriefing to Leader, Itachi?" Itachi nodded in agreement and headed straight for Leader's office.


"The sharingan...I see...Tell me, how were you successful in this mission?"

"Unfortunately..they came to us, after witnessing her summon in front of them ..dead, she went into a fit of rage alongside Mazoku".

"Alike on her day of initiation?"

"No...worse. I made sure Kisame and I stayed back for a reason".

"Oh..I see.. I wish to talk to her, send her in"



"I can't believe we had to fuckin' come all the way back because you lost both your arms Deidara! We almost hit Lightning Country! We could have been done with that mission already if it wasn't for you!" Hidan protested.

"Shut up Hidan, be nice and Deidara will give us a lift there instead" Kakuzu narrowed his eyes at Deidara to clarify that his words weren't a request but a demand.

"Hey where's [Y/N], Hm?" Deidara looked at Kisame who walked into the room with a towel draped over his head as he continued to remove the residue of droplets from his hair. Every now and then Deidara would pull a face making it aware he was in pain but refused to say it as Kakuzu sewed both his arms back onto his body.
"She's in her room. Leave her alone".

Deidara squinted with agitation on his face, "Hm, What's that supposed to mean...".

Itachi walked in at this point, "Give her some space, she's going through something at the moment". This piece of information peaked the interest of the other members who now all gazed at Itachi hoping for more of an explanation. Kisame sighed, unsure whether to talk about it without you there. You may not want to talk about it however they were to find out sooner or later. It was then that you walked through the living room to your best ability without being noticed to form conversation, you merely wanted to go into the kitchen to grab a drink. You had your face hidden with Kisame's hoodie that you had pulled over your head, hands in the pockets in order to lift it up enough not to trip over on its length.

Tobi jumped in your way and bounced, "Welcome back [Y/N]-" he couldn't even finish your name as shock through him off course when you simply ducked underneath his arm and continued to the Kitchen. Upon entering everyone stared at Tobi who was frozen on the spot, a little hurt that you ignored him. Even the others were shocked you didn't mutter a single word to him and acted that way.

Only Kisame and Itachi truly understood.

As rustling for a glass and the tap turning on was heard, Tobi went after you once again, "[Y/N]-chan?" as you turned away from the sink he ducked to see your face and gasped lightly at your blood stained cheeks. He tilted your head up via your chin and looked at you whispering in his non-Tobi voice, "What happened?" concern filling his voice.

"Can we talk about this some other time?" you removed his hand and walked to the kitchen doorway to see Itachi, "I'm sorry, but Pain wants to speak with you". Letting out a shaky sigh you made your way to the office, knocking to hear the usual command to enter.

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