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You decided to head for the kitchen for breakfast and spotted Konan, a sense of relief hit you. It's been so long that you've been able to chat and spend quality time with her.

"Konan!" you beamed with delight. She became startled from the outburst of her name and yet turned around from her spot to smile at you, "My, aren't you happy today"

"All the more better for seeing you!"

The smile on her face was so sincere towards your sweet comment, she truly did enjoy your presence in the hideout. She grabbed herself some food and sat down at the breakfast table as you worked on your own meal. "What are you doing today, Konan?"

"Pain and I will be working together in our village; Amekagure. We're in need to find a new candidate for Pain's sixth paths, so we will be requiring you to look over the hideout whilst we're away. Sorry.." She felt guilt that you had to stay alone, more so that she has little to no time to hang out with you. Being the co director alongside Pain of an entire village and the Akatsuki took every minute of her day. More so than ever.

"Don't apologise, you hold a heavy part to this all. I'm sorry that you don't get to have any breaks lately" You started to cook the eggs on the stove whilst pulling down the leaver of the toaster.

"I recall our last break, it just so happened everyone was in the same hideout. You and Tobi were adament to create a group game" She smirked fondly at the memory she held.

You set yourself down at the table aside her, reminiscing the fond memory.

How could you forget? You managed to get all the Akatsuki to join, Tobi for years would always attempt this and it would never work out for him. But until you showed up, his one grand plan finally came into fruition.

Flashback -

"Come on guys, It won't take long! Tobi promises!"

"Yeahhhh! It'll be fun! Team building in fact!"

An audible sigh coarsed through the members who stood in a line awaiting for your instructions in the training grounds.

"What exactly are we doing here anyway? You're wasting my time" Sasori mumbled.

"I'm not prepared to play some stupid ass game, at least allow me to kick someone's ass or something" Hidan growled rubbing the back of his neck.

"This won't cost me anything, will it?" Kakuzu grouched.

"I'm just surprised you managed to get Pain to accept and join as well.." Kisame looked down the line, noticing Pain eagerly waiting for yours and Tobi's game choice.

"So what should we play [Y/N]-chan?" Tobi was pressed right against your face holding both your hands in extreme excitement.

"Hmmm whats a game everyone would enjoy...It's a shame we're not in my timeline. Something like Paintball would be hilarious!" You envisioned everyone splattered in multicoloured paints and Pain and Tobi likely being the only ones who came out unscathed.

You let out a loud gasp with a sudden idea, though you would have to change the game around a bit to make it more entertaining for...this type of audience.


"And what the heck is that?" Hidan complained.
"Listen to the name of the game...idiot" Kakuzu disgruntled.

"In my world, Dodgeball is merely a few balls set in between two teams. You grab the balls you can and throw them at the opposing team. If you're hit, you're out. But because we need it ...Hidan worthy.. let's make this a little more interesting.." the rascal side of you came out as you thought of the outcome of this game.."Deidara? Can we have a few large clay bombs please? Not too damaging though, we don't want to kill each other"

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