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You finally awoke from your long winded slumber, your eyes were heavy and throat dry. You went in attempt to lift your body up via your elbows and hissed out. Looking down under the sheets you see you're wearing one of Hidan's dark grey tops from when they lived with you in your timeline. You raised an eyebrow wondering how this got on you, tugging at the collar to observe the stitches and bandages below.

"Kakuzu wanted you to be covered up in a top that wasn't too tight on your stitches, hm" Deidara mumbled out, sitting at your desk half asleep.

"Good thing Hidan brought his box back with him then.." you rasped out, coughing at the dryness of your throat. Deidara passed you a glass of water which you gulped down immediately.

"Are you alright?" He looked at you with guilty eyes. "I feel much better than I did yesterday..still not great but better..thanks" You softly spoke, laying back down. "Yesterday? You've been asleep for 3 days..." Your eyes widened and you yelped out "WHAT!?"

"Hey cool it, Sasori had to operate on you. Don't make it harder for your body to heal,hm" He sighed out slowly, hanging his head low. Your head turned to face him with a sympathetic look, "Dei..It's not your fault. Please don't take this burden upon yourself" you smiled sadly at him as he hung his head down again, fiddling with his ring on his finger.

"It's been hard to sleep when I wasn't even sure if or when you'd wake". You felt your heart sink at this comment, "Just because I'm like this doesn't mean you have to make yourself unwell too. I'm alive, I'll be up and about eventually so please be at peace with yourself". You reached to grab his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, he sighed with relief and spoke, "Leader told me to let him know as soon as you're awake" He got up from his seat and headed for the door, "Don't come back until you've rested you hear me!" you teased, he turned to face you before closing the door behind him with a soft smirk.

After a few minutes Konan knocked before entering, "Oh thank Kami it's you Konan" you said in relief. "Is something the matter?" She seemed confused at your reaction. "It's just..." you mumbled with a blush on your face, she came to your side and held your hand, "Anything you need, just please let me know".

You looked up to her "..I really need to pee and I didn't want to have to ask Leader to assist me if he walked in before you". She looked at with a deadpan expression before laughing at your request. "Yes that would have been awkward" She said as she helped you get up from the bed, "What are you wearing?". You wrapped your arm around Konan's shoulder as she helped you off the bed and towards the bathroom. "It's Hidan's from when they were living with me in the other timeline. Apparently Kakuzu wanted me to wear a top that wasn't too restricting". Konan raised an eyebrow as she opened the bathroom door. "So he put you in Hidan's clothing?"
You laughed, "I know, seems weird but Hidan a while back asked me and Zetsu to bring back his stuff from the Oasis, the others' bits are still there so it's not like he could have put me in one of his tops. Also, the top he wears now would be a bit too exposing for me to wear right now". She rolled her eyes and left you to your business, waiting for when you were decent to get assisted back into bed. "I'll go fix you something to eat, you must be starving" She pulled the cover over you again before leaving, as she opened the door Pain was there and they switched places. He walked in and sat on the chair by your desk, bringing the seat closer to your side. "How are you feeling?"

"Everything hurts but I'm alive" you shrugged it off like it was nothing, knowing full well yourself it wasn't nothing but you didn't want to appear weak right now.

"I want to apologise to you, [Y/N]" You blinked a few times at hearing this comment from Pain himself. "I sent Tobi out receive some intel on the hidden leaf. It turns out that although not at first.. but it was a trap and it just so happens that they encountered you. I shouldn't have sent you on that mission". You frowned at his words, "Leader, you weren't to know..You said yourself I had to become desensitised should anything happen to a member such as if they get hurt or killed. Just so happens that it was me who got hurt first". He hummed at your response, "Do you have enough chakra to use the summoning jutsu?"

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