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"[Y/N] [L/N]- Uchiha"

You eyes flickered opened. You prepared to sit up and look around the area, searching for the deep voice that spoke your name in this dark abyss you awaited in. Your eyesight failed you where your hands disappeared in front of your face.

Am I Dreaming?

"Interesting, you believe this to be a dream?"

Your head darted to the voice which formed behind you, "Hey, whoever you are.. did you just read my mind?"

A chortle was emitted from his throat, the echo wrapped around you, making you turn 360 degrees, hunting down the owner of the voice. "..Friend or Foe?" you said with hesitance in your voice, trying to grab for your weapon to which was non existent.

"I am neither, just the gateway"


"Do you wish to see them?"

Your eyebrows furrowed, uncertainty laced your thoughts, "See who exactly?" You knew exactly what he meant, but wanted to confirm they weren't messing with you.

"The Akatsuki of course"
You eyes slightly widened before returning quickly to an emotionless state to avoid any dangers. You still doubted this voice, who was it exactly?

"What's in it for me?"

"My dear child, do you even understand your fate?"

Your head cocked to the side, My fate- - . You clocked on, it wasn't a dream after all. You've fallen. Your hands began to shake at the realisation, holding them up again to your face, still difficult for you to see.

Your palms patted your body down from head to chest to gut. The wound was missing, the pain..the burns...gone.

It was then that a mirror of yourself appeared before you. You stared in disbelief, walking over with slow uncertain steps. Here lied your being on the floor, or so you assumed. The attire was the best evidence you had that it was you. Your face was unrecognisable through the black cloth that became one with your skin. Blood pooled around you. You winched recalling the pain of Madara's attack on you, the betrayal you took on him.

What about Shiro..?

Your body swung to look around for the voice, "Hey, you-" Before you could even finish your sentence you heard your name being called, that voice was so familiar yet spiked with pain. It pulled at your heart strings to the point you pulled at the cloth at your chest, hunching slightly. You hesitated to turn back around but gave in to the voice you cherished dearly. "What is this..."

You watched on, a visual of you dead body on the ground, Obito knelt aside your body with a look of fear, his teeth gritted as he shuts his eyes tightly calling your name, hoping all of this was a sick dream. You watched on in pain, wanted to turn away but something pulled you to watch.

"You were loved, [Y/N]" The voice softened, was it pitying you? Obito? or the situation?

You stayed silent, watching as you held the tears back from pricking at your eyes.

"Where is Shiro?"

"All in due time. However, before I send you off, there is someone I think you should meet". In an instant your eyes widened and ran with ideas who it could be, he said someone. Meaning only one, Obito? But he isn't dead yet... is he? It can't just be a singular Akatsuki member.. that wouldn't make sense.

"Hello!" A cheery voice spoke, you turned to accompany the person who greeted you, narrowing your eyes in suspicion.

"Hello..?" You said questionably, unsure of this man in front of you. Something about him reminded you of someone though, you turned to bow slightly, wanting to be polite before questioning thing further, "I'm sorry but..do I know you?"

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