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"Tobi, you can let go of me now"


"Tobi let go of her, hm"


Sasori pulled Tobi off with the power of his chakra strings, the man flailing his limbs in the air in protest lunging out to you. "But Tobi wanted to hang out with [Y/N]-chan today!"

"Tobi we can play later, Konan and I are going out today". Tobi pouted behind the mask as he hung his head close to the ground in disappointment. He knew that you're new to the timeline and area therefore you needed to head out in order to gain some supplies and clothing to blend into the area but most of all, get used to your new surroundings.

"Come on [Y/N] let's go" Konan ushered her hand towards you as she opened the door. "Coming!" you scurried towards her whilst hopping backwards waving goodbye to the guys. Konan simply shook her head smiling at your actions as she let you walk out first.

It's been a few days since you became a part of the Akatsuki. You managed to rest after your battle with Pain and accepted the constant apologies from the men for leaving so abruptly back then. They explained their reasonings as they showed their guilt. It actually fascinated Konan and Pain to see this side of the other members, to see them get attached to a new member and show emotions that aren't always negative in some way or another. What caused the most surprise was hearing that some were hesitant to let you out like Itachi, Kisame and Deidara. So Konan decided to take it in her own hands, giving herself a chance to truly meet you but also allow you to have that bit of freedom the others were anxious about.

You needed training, yes they helped you plenty but that was for your world and not this one. All their Leader wanted to do was wait for you to heal up so he can send you off to the training grounds with each member to explore your abilities and potentially unlock new powers. Aside all this, Konan made it clear that you were in need of new clothes, training gear and a day for her to actually bond with you. She felt a bit left out in the sense that all the men were all over you, cared for you and knew you so well. You were another female, someone that she could potentially become friends with, like sisters. She was growing tired of being the only female in the organisation so she made it aware that before anything is to happen that she wanted a 'girly' day with you and you weren't too bothered really! It was exciting to meet a new friend and better yet, you already had an idea this was going to be a loyal close friend unlike the past ones you had entailed.

In awe at the crowded trees, the forests and the streams; the lack of roads and buildings crowding every inch! It was simply beautiful to be in a world where mankind and technology didn't overrun each corner just yet.
"So Konan, what's it like living with 9 men in a hideout?" You said trying to start a conversation.
"You tell me, you lived with all of them for a while aside from Pain and I" she teased.
"Haha I suppose you have a point" You say scratching the back of your head.

"You managed to put up with the worst of them in my opinion, Pain and I are a lot more...quiet and mature than them. Asides Itachi..maybe Kakuzu".

"Ahh they weren't so bad! Yeah okay Tobi is a bit hyper and can be a pain in the ass when you want some peace and quiet but he's so sweet! and the others are just as kind and fun" Konan raised her eyebrow at you "Never have I hard anyone describe them like that, especially someone like Hidan"
"Ahh Hidan is a child at heart, sure he talks about murder and religion every chance he could get but there's something about him. He definitely hides his soft side from the others"

"Hidan has a soft side?" Konan questions whilst smirking.
"Oooooh yeah, Kakuzu, Kisame, Deidara..they all do! What.. have you not seen it?" Konan shakes her head
"We're a part of an organisation so we don't truly 'hang out' and I'm usually with Pain more than anything"

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