Avenge the fallen

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"Now why do I get the feeling you're that brat that took down our Leader?" A man rose from the gang of ninja in front of you. Scanning their headbands you noticed they were from the same village as Kisame.
"Care to elaborate? Make haste..you have 2 minutes 40 seconds left.."

"Tch, cocky one aren't you? Hiromitsu Tanaka. You might know him has the missing-nin after the Kiba sword".
Another of the men spoke up, "We've heard all about you. The Shadow member of the Akatsuki, my buddy here recognised your beast from that day. We knew exactly how to sneak up on this thing". He stated kicking at her gut. Kioshi hissed out a fearful sound, you defensively held your arm out in front of him, faintly speaking. "I know you want to help..but I can't risk you getting hurt too".

Looking down briefly at your pained summon, rage grew further inside you. "Your problem is with me. Not her".

"Had to lure you out some way, right?" his smile looked egotistical, something that riled you up further.

"What gives you the right to do this to my summon, she is my friend; my home. You had no right to take that from me!"

"You really expect us to care? Besides what's a little girl like you going to do?" They laughed together brashly as if they had the upper hand, sure you were outnumbered but by their scruffy attire and sickening attitude caused you believed that they were all talk. They disgustingly went after your summon in such a cheap way. They were covered in mud, from your perception skills you concluded they hid their scent and died their chakra down, signalling they're sensory ninja. Perhaps a mixture of earth and lightning users too, concluded from analysing the broken ground that they sprung from underneath and attacked her.

What destroyed you inside was the fact they were angry at you, not her. You stared down at Mayumi, your eyes scanning her in realisation that her eyes were closed and body sickly still, the men stood back from the body which allowed Kioshi to jump to his sister. You watched Kioshi nudge her recently lifeless body with his nose. Your heart stung in agony, clutching at your chest you tore your eyes from the aftermath as the sight caused heated liquid to seep from your eyes and trickle down your cheeks.

Itachi stared on in surprise, "[Y/N].."

Even Kisame was startled by the sight before him. He wanted to help, he gripped Samehada tightly but Itachi decided it was wise if they held back in the shadowing trees as a surprise attack incase. He recollected the last time your chakra sprung to this size and knew it was ideal for them to keep their distance, for now.

Your body flooded with power, the orange and black chakra screamed around your form and your eyes pierced their souls. A smirk formed on your face as you saw their now smug looks turn to uncertainty and regret, "This little girl doesn't look so frail now does she?" you cooed out, mimicking the look Hidan would give to a sacrifice; The look of bloodlust.

A body flicker movement alarmed the enemy for you vanished from their view. Turning to the sight of a hurricane of fiery wind, they were trapped in a circle of fire, creating an arena halting Kisame or Itachi's assistance. Kisame wanted to extinguish the flames in order to jump in and help but Itachi pulled his hand out as a signal of it's not safe, watching sharply with his sharingan at your ruthless work.

Screams of agony ripped through the air, bodies were sent flying from the colosseum of madness, battered and broken. Roars ruptured the winds around them as Mazoku was summoned instantly, ripping and tearing his way around. The sounds of agony, suffering and blood splattered. Silence eventually took over. The flickering fire was all the Akatsuki duo could muster.

Kisame took this opportunity to stamp out the fires with his water technique in order to see the results. The silence was unsettling, they didn't know if you were hurt at all or not. It wasn't until they saw you leaning against Mazoku's side heavily panting with your knees up, elbows bent resting on your knees and head tilted back upon his scales. Your chakra decreased to its original form as satisfaction hit you, a sneer of a smile filled your lips. Letting out a deep sigh you brushed your sleeve across your cheeks to remove the tear stains.

Blood? You felt all over your arms and torso. It must be theirs.. Yes your hands were torn up from grabbing a sword by the blade that was directed at your face, spinning it around in your favour and into the neck of another but your gloves soaked that up.

Itachi crouched down to your eye level looking at you wary, guilty eyes. He wiped your cheeks calmly speaking, "You can deactivate them now, mission accomplished".

Raising an eyebrow at his words you eventually understood, "Wait..I...have the.. sharingan?" He nodded slowly looking back to your summon on the floor.

Following his eyeline you dashed to her side in panic. Kioshi rested alongside her slumped down. "Kioshi...I'm so sorry.." You bit your lip hard not to cry but emotions took over and you hitched them back to your best ability, causing shaky breaths.

"You are not to blame, I should have been by her side.." Kioshi mumbled. Resting your forehead upon hers you cried out for your summon. You loved her dearly, she stood up for you at the very beginning, constantly showing a welcoming embodiment that made your heart swell and now she's gone.

"I'm disgusted with myself.." these words made your body bolt up to Kioshi and stare him in the eyes with confusement, "I just...stayed frozen.. I couldn't even avenge her"

Holding his head in your hands you stared him in the eye, "Mayumi was your sister. She loved you with all her heart and you stayed by her side from birth till death, that was more than enough and all she would have wanted. Mazoku and I dirtied our hands for you, allowing you to say your farewells. I just worry for the rest of the pack now.." you thoughts trailed as your hands dropped to your sides, looking down at her body. "Don't you worry about that [Y/N], Mazoku and I will deal with that. Thank you for avenging my sister" He rested his head on your shoulder, showing simply how weak and bereaved he truly felt.

Kioshi was always calm, collected and weary of expressing emotion, in fact Mayumi would carry the energy for the pair of them and now that she is gone, he feels at a loss. Their souls together acted as one. Mazoku got up and as gently as possible lifted her body with the utmost respect, he nodded to yourself dissipating with Kioshi to the Oasis leaving you to watch on as the rain started to pour down painfully hard.

You thanked this change of weather for it only disguised your falling tears. Kisame dragged his cloak off and pulled it over your head, looking up to see him giving you a soft smile. "I know what you're going to say, It's fine I like water after all". Sighing in defeat you took the cloak and dragged it over your head, taking your leave with the other two on either of your side. The walk back to base was going to be long and quiet one that was certain. What could they say right now?

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