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Madara scowled at the the sight of Obito in front of him, standing in a defensive stance awaiting for Madara's first move. "I'm disappointed in you, Obito"

He chose to ignore his words, shifting his weight on either foot as he looked Madara up and down, making sure that he was focused on him and no one else. His opponent stood tall, scythe and gunbai in each hand. "Well what are you waiting for, you've already betrayed me alongside that disgrace of a Uchiha, so you might as well make the first move" Madara taunted.

Obito's lip curled up as Madara watched on narrowing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. Obito stayed still.

"Well if you're not going to move.." Madara began, but not long until Kakashi sprung into action bleeding through Obito's being as he passed through, chidori in hand scattering up his arm as he lunged for Madara. Your summons surrounded Madara from every blind spot ready to pounce. The man snickered under his breath, "Do you really think I will fall for this petty move?"

He flung Kakashi far off on the opposite side of the battlefield, turning to block your summons, kicking them afar and swinging his gunbai to blow them afar. You thought you had the upper hand and believed that he didn't feel your presence but boy were you wrong. As you snuck up behind him with your daggers glowing with black, fiery fury of chakra, you made haste to spring forward, plunging the sharp weapons into his back in hopes to suck his chakra dry. He cocked his body to one side with immense ease, spinning to catch you by your neck, squeezing, "What a waste of good power, if you stayed on my side we could have become invincible together, [Y/N]"

You gasped out in desperation for air, embedding your nails into his wrist, pricking at his skin as you flung your legs to kick his chest. You were too slow, clearly outmatched in strength against this man. He brought his knee sharply into your gut, making you want to gasp out in pain as you suffer under his strong grasp.

Shiro ran at high speeds, curling his claw into the back of Madara's shoulder blade, aiming to snap his teeth around his neck. Madara kicked you back once more, allowing you to skid onto the ground, dirt and debris scraping you up as your body drags across the rocky floor.

Obito springs into action after obtaining Kakashi and Guy, right after helping Ayui and Raidon from the blow they encountered. They charged after Madara but it was too late. Madara had hurled Shiro over his shoulder to land on top of you, the pair of you wincing in pain.

He casually walked over, looking over his shoulder to see that he had plenty of time before Obito and the others would arrive. He smirked, picking up his scythe once more from the ground, "It appears you already have given your answer. Well then, if that is the case..I will make this much easier for you. You wanted to be with your loved ones, correct? So allow me to do you the favour of taking you there personally".

Shiro scrambled on top of you in hopes to get off quickly but Madara had put all his brute strength into a swing, impaling the two of you together as one with the ground as well. Shiro screeched in pain and so did you, panic in both your eyes as you're attached by the stomach together. Madara's lip curled with sadism as he watched both your eyes change, lifting his hands slowly up to his face.

"Madara, NO!!!!" Obito yelled on the top of his lungs, sprinting in hopes to save you, Kakashi and Guy were on his tail, preparing their attacks.

Ayui and Raidon screamed out for the both of you, sprinting at their highest speeds.

"Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame" He said it so casually, allowing the words to sweetly roll of his tongue.

Both Shiro and your screams filled the air. Your bodies burning, sticking together as you both flail in hopes to escape the fire, it was at this moment you truly wished you were able to obtain water style. Wind style would only increase the flames further and you can't beat fire with fire in this predicament.

Shiro tried his best to move but the hilt of the scythe pressed him down onto you, crushing you. Your arms failed to reach around his burning body, fingertips centimeters away from brushing at the blade. This was it, your body became weak, unable to fight back. Your hands dropped to the ground in defeat as your screams continued to fill the air.

Your thoughts ran to anything you could do, even if there was a chance to throw an attack back at him as he watched smiling down at the pair of you slowly dying a gruesome, slow and agonising death. You weakly forced your hand into your pouch, realising you can't reach it with Shiro above you. Though with the flames around you, perhaps you had a chance, it would aid Shiro and yourself to die a quicker, less painful deaths as well and perhaps you could take Madara with you. You bit your lips to avoid the screams, gasping for a deep breath and bringing your charred hands to your face to your best ability, "Shi—Shini....SHINIGAMI...Shock...AHHHHH!!!!!"
Shiro was screeching a painful ear piercing roar that cut to everyone's core.

The trio slowed their steps, trying to comprehend what they could see ahead of them. Both of your calls of desperation ripped into their beings, sickening them at the sight. Obito panicked, watching his loved one, you; grow lifeless.


"Shiro!!!!" Your summons yelled, they watched on in fear, not knowing how to help you. Raidon tried to get near but got his nose burnt by the fire, he hissed as he repeatedly tried again and again to get to you two. Kakashi go in the way and pushed Raidon back, "Don't get yourself hurt!"

"Water style: Water colliding wave!"

Obito was brought out of his shock, seeing Madara now fighting kunai to hand with Tobirama who had dispersed the flames upon you, his speed beating everyone else to you in time.

Obito scrambled to run straight to you. Kakashi as well ran over, bringing the scythe out of the two of you and resting Shiro aside you. His body matched the look of his eye now, except far worse. His body blackened and charred, yours too aside from your chest and legs which were covered by Shiro's. Shiro was gone, far quicker than you due to receiving the brunt of that attack. You however obtained your final breaths shakily. It was near impossible with the mask that now melted onto your lower face. Obito shakily hovered his hands over you, wanting to hold you but the steam coming off you forced him otherwise, he called out, "[Y/N]...[Y/N] no...please!"

Kakashi watched on while taking a step back, saddened for his friend but also heartbroken you were caught up in all this. "This is all my fault..I shouldn't have suggested the attack.."

In the end you tried to help them, the manipulation brought upon you unconsciously by Obito and his dream was wiped away when the two of you betrayed Madara for the good of the world. He gently rested a hand onto Obito's shoulder, "I'm sorry Obito..".

Obito ignored him, "[Y/N] hang in there please, I'll find Sakura"

You choked on your last breathe, the pain was too much, your face was mutilated by the fires. You only wished you could apologise to Shiro. The only thing you had in your mind to do right now was give Obito everything you had left. Your feeble attempt of twitching your fingers didn't go unnoticed by Kakashi and Obito. Obito lightly touched your hand, in fear of hurting you further but in also desperation to give you some form of comfort so you knew he was there for you in your dying moments.

His eyes twitched as he felt and saw the surge of left over chakra move up his arm and around his body, you gave out a frail smile muttering a simple "I love.. you..", your final breathe left you. Obito's wide eyes didn't leave you as they watered with sheer fear.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye..first Rin, and now..[Y/N].."

"I understand your pain and I apologise for pushing you but right now, the second Hokage Tobirama Senju is trapped by Madara, we need to help him. [Y/N] has given you her final strength, use that power to aid you in this battle. Let's win and avenger her for her sacrifice"

Obito's hands clenched into fists as he stood and snarled, "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch"

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