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Along the way you firstly had the chance to update Nagato, Itachi, Kakuzu and Hidan with what's happened since their departures. After that Kakuzu and Hidan began to squabble regarding their deaths and what happened during their final fights. You used this moment to update Itachi on his brother, Nagato listening in. You knew this was fine as they both seemed to be on a similar path, Nagato explaining his fight with Naruto and how he ended up reviving the majority of the Hidden Leaf, taking his life in exhange after destroying their home. Regardless of the change of heart, you didn't care to be honest. Your goal was to stay with the ones you love and follow their dream. You were happy with Nagato and Itachi's decisions though, you loved the good in them.

Itachi listened solemnly, thankful for the village he was so dedicated to. "[Y/N], I don't trust Kabuto and I don't think you should either.. I will find a way to get us out of this predicament so I will say this, if the reanimation jutsu wears off, then it's due to me defeating Kabuto. I will find a way to stop this war.."

You nodded in understanding as much as it hurt to know that you wouldn't be with them for long. Regarding the war though, as much as you trusted and believed in Itachi, this war was going to happen and no one could stop it at this rate. You weren't going to stop yourself unless the Akatsuki were given what they rightfully deserve; Peace. You will fight for them, with them.. until the end. If you could receive this outcome without shedding blood then great, by all means. However you just didn't believe that could happen, not after all that's occurred.

To be honest, as much as Itachi hated it, you wanted revenge on the people who sent your loved ones to their deaths. It just wasn't right that they could take them away from you. Itachi could see it, the Uchiha in you was growing. He saw it when your Mangekou swirled into action. You looked at him apologetically, after all he didn't want you to reach this part but you did. You explained how and Itachi wasn't happy with Madara's actions. "I don't trust him..I don't believe he's Madara.." Itachi said quietly to yourself.

"I know"

"You know?"

"Yes. You're right but I'm not going to reveal who he is"

"..He's gotten to you, hasn't he?"
You sighed and veered from the conversation. You didn't want this final moment you had with them to be negative so you dodged the subject and went on with the battle plan. Itachi and Nagato had other ideas and went on, not before you gave them one final embrace incase this was the last time you would see them. You didn't have the chance before when they originally died so you took in the moment whilst you had the chance.


"Itachi.. I know what you're going to say. I do love him though, I will stay by his side and make his dream come true"

"I understand but..at the expectancy of your early death? You don't deserve to die because of someone's dream that is impossible.. I really hope you can change his mind and set things straight"

"Itachi, I'm not just going to change his mind, we're trying to make peac--"

"Peace isn't gained by fighting a war.."

Itachi finally showed emotion on his face, he looked completely guilty and sad for you, perhaps even slightly afraid.

"I wish we never met you in your timeline.."

"Excuse me?" You pulled back from Itachi and raised your tone a bit, completely shocked at his words, causing the attention of the others.

"I-I don't mean it like that- -"

"To hell with you, Itachi" You scoffed. Itachi looked hurt and was about to open his mouth until Nagato cut in.

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