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"Here" Shiro sniffed the pile of rubble within the Nara forest.
"Are you sure?" You asked activating your sharingan in hopes to see something, however it came to a quick realisation that if the immortal truly is dead then you wouldn't spot any remnants of chakra.

"Just dig quickly before we're spotted" Kisame sat from up a tree keeping on guard.

You began to dig alongside Shiro hoping to find anything. Kabuto was right, he clearly was deep in the ground. You began to wipe the sweat off your brow, digging with just your hands for nearly an hour cloaked and masked up was truly a pain in the ass for you right now. However the determination of getting Hidan was your top priority, it frustrated you that this was how he had to die. You wondered, did he feel scared? Alone? Who would want to be buried alive like this. It disgusted you how cruel the enemy was to do this. You wouldn't wish to kill someone in such an inhumane way like this. Understandable that their opponent was immortal but that wasn't the case. You felt immense guilt that you couldn't have been there to help him during his final fight.

Although you couldn't help but wonder if the Jashinist put himself into this trap easily due to his obscene cockiness and eagerness to jump into battle without a logical thought. The only thought this guy ever had was anything in regards to pleasing his god, Jashin.

Shiro eventually came across a leg, pulling it out of the rubble. You analysed it confirming it was Hidan by the colour of his nail polish. This gave you the motivation to use all your strength to get to the rest of him, fast. Quickly summoning Ayui and Raidon to make things easier. The dig for him finished quickly as you puzzled the pieces of Hidan together again in order to make sure you had every piece.

Kisame jumped down hastily seeing you were ready, "Here" He pulled out a scroll and transferred Hidan's pieces into it, making the travel much easier. Zetsu left so you had no choice to head back yourself. The summons left you as you began to heighten your chakra, Kisame turned to you questionably before you transferred your hand onto his shoulder, giving him some excess chakra of yours. "Remember how this helped Shiro when we sparred? My guess is we could travel faster if I try this" You began to move the orange chakra to his legs and yours, taking off in a flash. Amazingly your theory worked and you darted through the area with great speed. You began to wonder other ways you could use your chakra like this in the future to potentially aid you and the Akatsuki when the war begins.


Upon returning to the mountains where you two left Kabuto and Madara, Kisame unfurled the scroll to reveal Hidan's scattered body and you dropped down to your knees and began to sew him back anew before the reanimation jutsu begins. Neither were anywhere to be seen but you were too fixated on working on Hidan right now. Kisame stayed waiting with you whilst he kept staring at the reanimated Akatsuki ahead of him. Eyes bore towards his deceased partner, each time you looked up at him you could see an emotion you never expected from the Kisame. He looked upset, disappointed almost. You knew he missed Itachi but there was something else behind those guys. "You alright buddy?"

You didn't take your eyes off sewing Hidan's head back on as his pale shoulders that rested on your lap.
"Er..yeah, I'm fine" Kisame's eyes veered from Itachi as he realised you caught him thinking to himself. You rested your hands on your lap for a second and looked up at Kisame who eventually locked eyes with yours, your expression showed 'I'm calling bullshit' as your lips went into a thin straight line. He scoffed lightly knowing that you always see right through him.

"I'd be a fool to say what I'm thinking right now.." he said under his breath, although he didn't expect you to hear, "If you're thinking what I'm guessing..purely from the last conversation I had with Itachi, you're a good guy Kisame. You're loyal and strong, sure you're labelled a criminal here but your actions always tell me you're devoted and dependable". Kisame smiled lightly as he ruffled your hair. "You're a good kid, you know that?"

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