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Sweat trickled down to your brow and dropped to the grassy ground below, Ayui stood there panting in exhaustion and Raidon towered over your being that was hunched on the ground, on your hands and knees.
"Get up" he demanded. You gripped hard on the kunai in your hands, fingers trembling with a mix of exhaustion and determination. With a shaky leg you grew to one knee, pushing your weight on it to allow yourself to get up. To no effect, you slump back down to fall on your back, "Sorry Raidon, we're done for today".
"Absurd! Rise! You cannot get stronger if you don't battle past your limit!".

Between the pair of you a flourish of green produced, enabling you let out a sigh of relief, "Phew, saved by the Aloe"

"Aloe?! Ignore her"
"Hahaha Sorry Zetsu it was just a joke, what's up?"

With a small pout coming from White Zetsu, they turned to face your summons then once again to yourself, "Training are we? We need to talk to you alone"

Those words instantly made you think the worse, staring at Raidon and Ayui you gave a apologetic look and promised to train later on and sent them on their way. You perched yourself cross legged on the ground with your back pressed up right to receive the blow you're baring to take. Zetsu watched you intently, his golden eyes made eye contact with yours and refused to separate. "You know that we care about you, right? get on with it or I will" The White side looked hesitant at you where you could only stare back in waiting. Letting out a deep long sigh you mumbled out, "He's right. Get it over with..I can tell it isn't good news.."

"Itachi has fallen by the hands of his brother, Sasuke. It was a battle to the end"

His words rung in your ears. Those painful first three words echoed over and over, the rest simply muffled into an inaudible sound. Itachi has fallen? How could this be? He was easily one of the stronge- oh no... if it had to do with Sasuke..he..let him do it? But he didn't even give me a chance to say ...goodbye.

The constant sound of your name thundering into your face by Zetsu to regain your attention sparked you out of your daze. "[Y/N]? what will you do?"

Residing the emotions that felt as if they were pushing onto the door's limit, like a Zombie pack pushing through the barriers to get to their target. Your words start melting out your mouth before you could even register what you said. "I'm done".

Zetsu went crossed eyed to look at his other side pondering your words. "What does that mean exactly? Are you done with training, our conversation or?"
You stumbled onto your weak shaky legs, debiliated from the days work and carried yourself out of the grounds, "Where are you going?".

Stopping in place you actually thought about it. Where are you going? What will you do now?
"..What did Kisame say? Where is he?" You turned your head to the side to see Zetsu from behind your shoulder.

"..he said that If Itachi isn't around anything, he would 'spread his wings and see where fate takes him'"

Your eyes grew faintly at his words as you contemplated them. He was incredibly loyal to Itachi, they were friends after all...but..Kisame had always been so loyal to the organisation as well.. I guess he finally realised his friendship with him was far more important..

You took your first step forward away from Zetsu's direction, "Then I guess I'll do the same.." And so you took your leave, away from the grounds, away from the hideout. Away from home.

Zetsu panicked and bled into the ground, looking for reinforcements.


"[Y/N]-chan please! Don't leave Tobi!"

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