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A faint knock was heard at your door. The moon outside your window told you it was well past midnight. Despite this fact, someone knocking on your door at this time would mean importance to you surely. Whats to lose anyway? You're awake and can't get to sleep so might as well. Opening the door you do show off a subtle smile as a welcome, allowing them in.

A surprisingly calm Tobi joined you in your room and sat on your bed ushering you to sit alongside him. Silence took over the room for a few moments. He didn't really know what to say, he knew it wasn't the time or place to be bubbly and what not so he collected himself for your sake. Although you didn't know what to say either, you were happy to have some company. After the day's actions, you felt a bit..alone in a way.

Sensing your feelings and noticing your tense hands clenching at the cloth of your joggers, Tobi placed his hands on top of yours as he faced cross legged facing you. The touch calmed you, however it also brought tears to your eyes. He did his best to wipe them away carefully and held your face in his palm gently, facing you, "The world is a cruel, yet beautiful place".

His words sent your eyes scattering across his mask, as if it would explain everything. Of course the world is cruel, you took months to a year to get Sasori to interact you on a similar level to the others. You truly were going to miss him and Mayumi as well, she was taken and yet...she was so young. It was unfair quite frankly. Neither of them deserved to die when they did. "I don't see the beauty in it" you remarked, sniffling back your emotions.

Tobi gently held you in his arms, resting your head upon his chest, "You will, some day. I promise you [Y/N]-chan. But for now I'll see it for both of us". As he said those words he stroked your hair, looking down at your trembling body in his arms, clutching tightly with his other hand.

The feeling aided him, allowing him to believe he was protecting you right in this moment. "[Y/N]-chan is a good girl. She sheds her tears for her loved ones and reminds them that they are cared for". Tears pooled onto Tobi's chest as you clenched tightly onto the cloth of his top.

"Please don't leave Tobi.." you mumbled out through jittery breaths.

"Tobi will always be by [Y/N]-chan's side". Moments later Tobi eventually felt your breathing rate change, you calmed immensely in his arms. He attempted to lean back, in order to place you comfortable in your bed however you grip didn't loosen from his torso. Zetsu bled into the room peering at the sight before him.

He whispered to Tobi, "I'll lock the door and leave a note on it so they don't disturb, she needs this". Tobi nodded and got himself comfortable for the night, laying on his back as you laid your head on his chest, his embrace never leaving you. A glimpse of his thumb caught his sight as his new ring glistened from the moon's light. He was content to finally have this ring but to know that the reasoning behind it is breaking your little heart, only hurts his too. He thought to himself as the twinge in his chest worsened, It's been so long since I felt this. The world truly is...hell.


You woke up alone. Leaning up on your hand you looked around with a dazed expression. Was that a dream? Was Tobi really here last night?
The sounds of movement behind your door in the hallway caught your attention. Just how long was I asleep for? Oh no..

You burst your door open and gazed at your door, seeing the note that Zetsu had left. Tearing it off you made haste to get changed and run down the hallway, "Kisame! Where is Hidan and Kakuzu?" He turned round with a unsure look at you, "They left for their mission about 30 minutes ago..why what's wrong?"

As soon as he said 30 minutes you ran out the hideout door, summoning Shiro. "Find Kakuzu and Hidan please! It's urgent" Shiro ducked his head under you, bringing you onto his back and charged forth after their scent.

It honestly did not feel long for Shiro was a fast runner, infact he was the fastest in the pack. He looked up to the sky, "That's them" You squinted your eyes at the sky, being blinded by the light. "Shiro, I need Mazoku for this" he replaced himself with Mazoku in an instant, "Give me a boost!"


You bounced onto Mazoku's nose, preparing your stance. He flicked you up with all his might before leaving behind a cloud of smoke as he disappeared.
"Hm?" Deidara looked over his shoulder to see you somehow on his bird, attached to Hidan's back.

"Hey what the heck is this!?" Hidan putting up his attitude in front of the other too of course, at first you took this personally but until Sasori and Deidara explained he isn't the type to show any positive emotion like caring or love; that isn't towards his God anyway. He has a front of hold up, especially in front of someone like Kakuzu who although he says he despises? you know secretly there is something in there. But damn he would never say it aloud.

Although Hidan's words shouted no, his body language didn't change at all. He didn't tug you away, he just stayed there looking at you, allowing you embrace him as tightly as you physically could.

"Don't die.." you mumbled out. Changing to the next member; Kakuzu.

His body froze as he looked down at you, he then shot his glare up to Hidan and Deidara who were revelling in the sight. Something they're never used to seeing from such an aggressive character. With a twirl of his finger and a deathly scowl they both bit their lips avoiding the chortle and turned in order for him to quickly and awkwardly hug you back.

"You're saying don't die but have you forgotten I'm immortal?!" Hidan said.
Ignoring Hidan's usual comments Deidara spoke up, "Is this because of...Sasori no danna?"
Your body tensed which Kakuzu realised, letting out a small growl directed to Deidara for the reminder. He patted your head in a sign 'that's enough' to you and spoke, "We will see you when we capture the 2 tails".

The two took this comment as they can turn around now and Deidara gave you a guilty look for his words, "I know you're just dropping them off but still" you ran and jumped onto Deidara, startling him to fall off of his clay bird and landing onto the ground. Hidan almost wetting himself in laughter as Deidara groaned from his now back pain, and yet the squeeze of a hug you gave him in order to remind yourselves of their scent and arms around you was worth the pain to Deidara. Again, he wouldn't ever admit that he misses Sasori, one of the Akatsuki members he truly respected, but he missed him as much as you. Maybe even more.

Getting up from the ground and giving Deidara a hand up, you slapped yourself across the face a couple of times in order to distract yourself, Don't cry again for kami's sake! They WILL be back

You waved them off as they took flight heading for their next big mission. Tobi appeared behind you, "Is [Y/N]-chan alright?" You gave out a long sigh, realising you were holding your breath for some time watching and waiting until they were no longer in sight before you left. "I'm much better than yesterday, thanks to you Tobi...Now...let's train" your words burst with a sense of determination.

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