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That familiar voice brought you out of your distractions. Turning to your side you see that oh so soft smile and closed eye face that weirdly sense warmth through you. "Well if it isn't Kakashi" yYou returned the welcoming smile. His eyes searched yours, that smile seemed genuine but those eyes..they held..loss in them. Something Kakashi was all too familiar with.

"Everytime I see you, you're always carrying more than you seem to be able to handle. May I?" You giggled at the comment.

Really...if only he knew

"Sure, though my.... brother.. is extremely protective so I will have to depart with you once I leave the village"

"Mazoku, right?"

Wow, good memory...

"Him too, but I meant Shiro. He's...a sensory type and will always look out for me"

I suppose technically I'm not lying..?

"Well I guess I have 2 to worry about then" Kakashi took the bags and followed you as you continued on your shopping trip. worry about?

The streets grew calmer as the sun started to lower in the sky. Kakashi asked if you would join him in the park momentarily and you strangely accepted the invitation. The aura this mysterious man gave off always made you feel safe and comfortable. As you sat quietly and content next to the gentlemen he kept peering his free eye to your face. Your eyes held so much emotion compared to the last visit you made, he grew worried.

"Is it just you and your brothers?" He regained your attention and you thought carefully with your words, " smaller by the week"

His eyes soften, understanding exactly why your eyes hold such pain, "I see, hold them close, Yui. For these times may take away what's precious to you" His head dropped slightly to the grass beneath him, you looked on at him after those words, "You've shared loss yourself?"

The look in his eyes gave you his answer, you were now regretting bringing it up at all. He seemed to become lost in a daze of thought quickly, "I see.. I'm sorry"

"Don't be. Its a struggle at first but I assure you, you will become stronger from this. The hole in your heart gets filled by others around you"

Those words twitched your heart strings, as if life was coming back to you, realising that..that indeed was what the Akatsuki did for you, they filled your heart with the love you needed and cherished, rather than getting upset and letting yourself fall into this abyss, why not focus on who you have left. That doesn't necessarily mean forget the dead, no..just don't forget the living and who is there for you, right now. You looked at him with worry yourself now, Just what has Kakashi gone through? you wondered.

"Kakashi sensei!!!" A voice beamed louder than you expected, startling you. Following Kakashi's gaze to a young blonde haired boy that ran up towards him from the other side of the grass.

Kakashi let out a disappointed sigh before standing up, "It always has to end this way it seems..I'm sorry but I have to go, I hope to see you again? and next time with a happier smile. You're most beautiful when you smile"

His words seemed hopeful. You weren't too sure if that was the case though, would you get the chance to? Who knows with war on the way but you wanted to see hopeful as well, the compliment hit you as your cheeks blushed and a gentle smile crept onto your lips that showed a little more life after your encounter with the handsome silver haired man. It gave him the reassurance he wanted. "Until next time...Yui"

The horizon darkened as the sun escaped your view, Oh crap...

Hurling your bags into your arms you trudged hastily into the trees out of the village, being keen to make sure no one was in sight. "Where have you been?" The voice of your summon startled you, "Dammit! you're sneaky aren't you?" he bellowed a laugh, "It's one of my traits, remember?" Taking a bag into his mouth he followed with you back to the hideout.

Replacing your attire with pjs, you re-entered the kitchen to feed yourself and Shiro.

"When will the others return?"

"I'm not sure, Pain and Konan left for their village. Apparently they're meeting an 'old friend', whatever that means.."

"[Y/N] I wanted to talk to you.." Shiro finished the slap of meat in front of him as you continued to slowly eat your meal, seated on the sides of the kitchen counter.

"Mazoku mentioned your ..incident with Kisame" a sigh left your lips, no longer feeling hungry you slid the plate away from you and rested your chin on your fist, closing your eyes.

"Come here to scold me too?" the words left your mouth laced with irritation, more than you wanted it to be perceived.
Shiro scowled to his best ability as a raptor, his voice becoming alpha like, "We've lived longer than you. We are your summons to protect you. We are grateful for your actions but you must live. Otherwise we won't have anything to live for either".

"Shiro I don't mean to sound rude but you've lived without me for longer than you've known me, you know?"

A growl emitted from his voice box. "I want you to become strong. Fight for your life. Fight for you. Not for others"

"You're all that matters in my eyes. Its rare for me to be a thought to others so why am I so important now?" Your thoughts trailing back to your original life, feeling alone all the time.

"You're everything to us [Y/N] if you die, what do we have left? We signed the contract with you, not the Akatsuki, not anyone else. We love you.."

Those words hit you hard, never has he spoken like this before, his raised tone really got you thinking.

"Kisame was only looking out for you.. next time that happens, Reverse summon Mazoku, don't throw your life away. He would have died feeling useless. Mayumi would have died for nothing"

"What the hell do you mean by that Shiro..." your voice stuttered and your eyes opened. You lifted your top half up right to look at him in defense.

"She died for YOU. If you throw your life away so easily it would have been for nothing. If another member falls, avenge them in the war. Use their memory to aid you. Never forget the fallen..your strength lies in those feelings of love you have for everyone. I just want you to love yourself as well. There's so much to you that you don't even see..."

"Shiro..I..I'm sorry.."

A moment of silence hit you both, Shiro staring intently at you. Watching the emotion sink in. "Fight for your life next time, Mayumi and Kioshi would have wanted it. Hidan, Sasori and Kakuzu too" Those names sent tears to your eyes, using your sleeve you hastily wiped them away. An Akatsuki member shouldn't cry so much.

"I will, I promise"


Pain, Konan and surprisingly Tobi entered the hideout together. Noticing your body curled on the sofa in the living room and Shiro sleeping on the floor in front.

"Is she alright?" Konan asked Tobi in a light whisper, seeing your eyes puffy. Though that quiet voice disrupted Shiro for he looked at the 3 then back at yourself who was sound asleep. He got up and moved with the 3 towards the hallway. He relayed his words to you earlier. Tobi as Madara also stated the death of Deidara through the act of suicide, he had to reassure Shiro that this was Deidara's choice and the way of his jutsu, it wasn't in a negative manner at all. It was evident that a war was on its way, for Pain furthered the information of the death of his and Konan's sensei which will cause the havoc from the Hidden Leaf eventually.

Shiro turned his head towards your sleeping form, staring..watching for movement. What they didn't know was you heard it all. A power you've worked on was sending chakra into your ears, an act as an assassin allowed you to hear long distance with complete ease. Tears pricked your eyes for Deidara, though you recalled the words your summon spoke to you.

I will be strong, for my summons..for the Akatsuki...

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