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"It's about damn time! I've been waiting for you, HASHIRAMAAA!!!!!"

Your head cocked to the voice you heard yelling as you battled with the shinobi in front, your eyes followed his to see new recruits to the war. A swift stab to the neck of the shinobi in front gave you a moment to watch, squinting to focus on who they were. They looked familiar to you but you couldn't place it. Wait a minute, didn't he say, Hashirama?

That's it!

You noticed the familiar red armour that Madara also bore on his body, this person was none other than the 1st Hokage; Hashirama Senju. Your eyes travelled to the others who now you can name from the imagery in the books you've read. Tobirama Senju, you scowled knowing now that it was him who killed Madara's brother; your great great great-grandfather; Izuna.

Wouldn't I love to rip his head off of his reanimated shoulders..

Something stopped your thoughts as you wondered who that was stepping to his side, your eyes widened to see that it was Sasuke. Both their eyes wondered to you making you press your lips into a thin like uncertain why it is you they're looking at. That moment you wanted to kill him went rapidly after you feared what he is thinking after staring you down with fury in his eyes. Within a blink you were surprised to see Tobirama Senju vanish in an instant, Sasuke heading your way. Not a moment passed and you felt yourself pressed onto the ground with a weight pushing onto your back. Oh shit...

"[Y/N] [L/N] or should I say..Uchiha"

You tensed at hearing his deep stern voice speak your name in your ear, you struggled under his grip and turned your head to the side, "How the hell do you know my name?"
A foot landed aside your head, your eyes trailed your gaze up to find the owner, "Sasuke? What gives, aren't you on our side?!"

"No. This isn't what Itachi would have wanted from you, [Y/N]"

You gritted your teeth in annoyance at his words, finding all the strength and chakra to muster into your fists in order to fight Tobirama off your back, yet a kunai landed gracefully, lightly scratching your neck, "One move and you're dead, now listen to the boy"

You rolled your eyes at his words and looked up at Sasuke, "This isn't what Itachi would have wanted? Coming from you??" you spat out. "Come on brat, one minute you want to kill Itachi, next avenge him, then destroy the leaf village, now what!? I swear you're a teenage girl sometimes.."

He crouched down to your level and slammed his sword onto the other side of your neck so it was impossible for you to move without getting injured. You hissed in annoyance, "Alright then, speak. If I'm stuck here for a bit you might as well enlighten me"

"Tobi has clearly manipulated you into thinking this goal is the only way for you to see Itachi. But I have to say it, he is gone; dead-"


Sasuke scowled at you, he couldn't deny that truth regardless of the pain it gives the two of you.

Tobirama intervened, "I am the creator of the reanimation jutsu, the dead do not come back to life permanently and the goal Sasuke has explained to us isn't possible with destroying the whole world—"

"So what! These people didn't let my comrades survive in order for them to obtain their peace—"

"Those comrades of yours are criminals!"

Before you could respond with a snarky comment, Tobirama was forced off of you by two of your raptors; Raidon and Ayui. Shiro roared in Sasuke's face who didn't dare to even move. He stood firmly and so calmly in front of him. As you got up dusting yourself off, you jumped into a taijustu battle with Sasuke, all the while he relayed his time with Itachi in the cave against Kabuto, the words he spoke to him about you.

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