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'Madara' brought you and Hidan to a foggy forest, it was dark and hard to see so you sent Shiro ahead to direct you. It was difficult but you managed to persuade Raidon and Ayui to follow Kakuzu, for now. You ordered them that if it was too much or if they lost them then to return to the Oasis and Shiro would inform you on their location in case they were able to join later.
Mazoku retreated for now to rest up, preparing for the main battle. Poor guy was pretty beaten up seeing as he was a giant target compared to the other summons.

Hidan hooked his scythe over his shoulder whilst listening out for the enemy, following closely by your side. You kept your daggers firmly in your grasp as your eyes darted side by side keeping behind Shiro waiting for him to motion where the enemy is. His clawed feet came to a stop, making you bump into his tail and Hidan bounce into your back.

"Watch it" Hidan growled.

"What's going on?" you whispered to Shiro. He turned his head to the side to face the two of you, "You're not going to like this.."

You gritted your teeth and dashed forward whilst Hidan attempted to keep up. Eventually the clashing of metal grew louder and louder. Shiro took the lead once more to direct you to where you'd be wanting to head first and there it was. In the midst of the battle between swordsman and shinobi, Hidan jumped into action cackling madly with excitement.

You scanned the ground until a familiar body hit your senses. You dashed over as Shiro covered you in this moment. Rolling him by the shoulder onto his back you felt for a pulse, it was incredibly weak.

No doubt, Kisame's torso was hanging faintly by a thread so to speak. Blood covered him to the point that you only recognised him for the Akatsuki cloak. His blue skin was stained red. You brushed the blood away from his face and called to him gently with a jittery breath. "Kisame..Kisa please..say something"

One of his eyes squinted open as he coughed out blood. "What're ..*cough* you doing here..?"

You knelt down and placed his head onto your lap to allow his coughing to ease. "Madara is wiping out the last of the enemy on the battlefield so he moved Hidan and I here. Kisa...please don't die. I need you" Your eyes blurred with tears looking at your strongest, closest friend at his ultimate weakest point. It pained you so much to see him this way. You always said to yourself that he would survive over everyone else. He sent you a weak smile as he looked up to your eyes which teared, dripping down onto his cheek.

"I'm sorry [Y/N]..I couldn't hold them all back.."
Pulling your sleeves to wipe your eyes to sniffled out, "Who was it? I'll destroy them"

"Don't trust Kabuto..he turned the swordsman against me at the last minute. He's got other plans and I think Madara and you are next.."

You stared at him bewildered. Of course you didn't trust that snake one bit but to have the swordsman, his previous associates turn against him was a new low.

"[Y/N].. be careful alright? You're strong that's for sure..I have faith in you and thats why I want you to take the last of my chakra.."

That was it. You couldn't hold back your tears anymore and blubbed out crouching over to wrap your arms around him, he winched in pain but did his best to embrace you back. "Kisa, I can't.."

"You can, I'm dead anyway.."


"-Do it. I'll die knowing I did something right by you. Staying loyal to you is all I care about right now.."

"If I do that then it'll be as if I sucked the life out of you.." You raised yourself from the hug and looked at him with saddened eyes.

"I'm already dead, besides..I'd rather die in safe hands than alone in the dirt" he weakly chuckled out.

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