The Bus Is Late

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It was a crisp, October morning, as Harriet was at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive, to take her to school. She was draped in a purple hoodie, blue jeans, and red Keds. She was looking all around. She heard the sounds of crows cawing.

20 minutes have slipped on by, and the bus never arrived. Harriet didn't want to be late for school, and she was already on thin ice with her teachers for showing up late to their classes, multiple times.

Another 20 minutes whizzed on by, and still, the bus was a no show. Grinding her teeth, Harriet got out her phone, and called the bus company. To her chagrin, the line was busy.

Harriet would have to face the facts, that she would be yelled at by the school staff, for her potential tardiness. All because of the bus showing up late. But, there was something that Harriet hadn't realised.

There was no school, today.

It was Columbus Day, and she had the day off.

This story was written on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020.

A/N Plot twist!!! Harriet was practically waiting at the bus stop for nothing, freezing her butt off! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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